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Narrative Elements

                    1   2          
                3                 4
      5   6                        
10               11                 12
13   14   15                          
            17                 18    
Across Down
1 type of conflict: man vs. himself/some kind of inner problem
6 the person or people the story is about
7 what the story is centered around; a problem or issue that the main character(s) must face or solve
8 the chief foe of the main character
9 events leading to the end of the story
11 Point of View: type of third person; the narrator is a spectator
13 beginning of the story where characters and setting are introduced
17 how the story/action ends/comes to a close
2 Point of View: type of third person; the narrator can see what each character is doing and his or her inner thoughts
3 another name for your main characters
4 Point of View: the main character is telling the story (uses 'I')
5 type of conflict: man vs. another character
10 Point of View: the narrator is speaking to YOU
12 central idea or concept of a story
14 what the actual story is about; the events that are unfolding over the course of the story
15 the location of the action; where the story takes place
16 the most exciting part of the story; when we learn the outcome
17 where the main character faces a series of conflicts
18 type of conflict: man vs some outside force
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