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Stranger With MY Face Crossword Puzzle

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Stranger with My Face

                                    1     2          
                              4               5      
                        9                         10  
            11     12   13                              
                        14                 15          
        16                         17                  
                        18                       19    
Across Down
3 When was it safe for Laurie to try astral projection?
7 This person is a science fiction writer.
8 The Island that the Stratton family lives on.
9 Who is the main character?
13 This person is a painter.
14 Who did all the girls want before his accident?
16 Who doesn’t like Jeff and thinks he’s just bad news?
18 Where Lia and Laurie’s mom searched for their father.
19 What does every room in the Stratton’s house face?
20 What is Jeff’s fathers name?
21 Who made a living out of cleaning?
22 Who was Laurie’s first boyfriend?
23 Where do the kids that live on the island go for school?
24 They like to draw.
25 Who is Darlene’s boyfriend?
26 What was the Abbotts daughters’ name?
1 Where the Abbotts live?
2 The first place that Laurie projected herself.
4 Who is Laurie’s lost relative?
5 Who dose Laurie share a locker with?
6 What does Lia want Laurie to learn?
10 Who was out on the beach with Gordon when they “seen” Laurie?
11 Who gave the bird caving to Helen?
12 How do people get on and off the island?
15 Who told Laurie where her sister was?
16 He’s a teacher.
17 Where did Helen transfer from?
23 They love to tell stories.
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