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Measuring and Graphing

T H E R M O M E T E R              
  M E D I A N                      
      U                       M   T
      A N A L Y Z I N G       E   I
      T                       A   M
      E L E C T R I C B A L A N C E
      D                           R
      C O N S T R U C T I N G      
  R A N G E                        
    M E T E R I C R U L E R        
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2 used to measure temperature
3 middle number in a set of numbers
6 studying and recording something
7 measuring mass
8 building
9 a span of numbers
10 Inches, Centimeters, Feet, Yards
1 measuring volume
4 average
5 this device is used to measure time
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