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The Devil's Arthiimetc Crossword Puzzle

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The Devil's Arthiimetc

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      16             17                
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3 One of Chaya's friends who has a yellowish complexion, they call her a cossack
4 He is a butcher, he wants to marry Gitl, and he is the one escaped the concentration camp
7 Gitl's little brother who is marrying Fayge and tries to escape the concentration camp, but fails and gets shot
9 She is a stereotypical aunt who always says that everyone is the best, or smartest, or prettiest, etc.
10 The garbage chute the children hide in when Commandant Breuer comes for inspection.
11 Hannah's favorite aunt who is Grandpa Will's sister and is Rivka from the concentration camps
12 He is Hannah's little brother who reads the Haggadah at Seder service and he has bright blue eyes
13 She is Yitzchak's daughter who died at the concentration camps
15 He is Wolfe from the concentration camps and screams at the TV whenever Holocaust documentaries come on
16 He is Yitzchak's son and he died from the ovens
18 When Fayge threw herself at Shmuel's feet to be with him forever when he was getting shot and when Gitl and Shmuel became Chaya's new family after her parents died.
19 When Hannah saved the baby from being killed and when Hannah took Rivka's place to be chosen.
20 She is Hannah's second best friend who has an airy voice because she has a hard time breathi
1 She is a Jewish girl who gets transported into the past with a different identity of Chaya
2 Another one Chaya's friends who has a pale freckled face and pale eyelashes so it made her look shifty
5 He is in charge of many concentration camps in that area
6 One of Chaya's friends who is plump like an Easter egg
8 Shmuel's older sister who seems tough and stern but can be thoughtful and kind; she is Chaya's aunt
14 a prisoner whose 'job' is to take care of the zugangi
17 She is marrying Shmuel and is the daughter of Rabbi Borsch
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