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The Elements Crossword Puzzle

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The Elements

          4     5                            
            6                     7          
      9         10                            
                    12           13            
  14         15   16         17                  
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4 This element's chemical symbol is Dy
6 This element's chemical symbol is Pm
7 All atoms of this element contain 88 protons
10 This element was named after a university in the United States
11 This is the eighth most abundant element in the earth's crust
16 Three atoms of this element were produced after bombarding a californium-249 target with 1.6x10^19 calcium-48 ions over the course of 1080 hours
18 This element's name comes from the Latin word for the earth
1 Present in uranium ores in tiny amounts, this element is created when needed by bombarding radium with neutrons in a nuclear reactor
2 Cerussite, a poisonous, white compound of this element was once used to color paint
3 This element's chemical symbol is Yb
5 All atoms of this element contain 91 protons
8 This element's name comes from the Greek word meaning 'inactive'
9 All atoms of this element contain 26 protons
12 This element has the highest melting point of all metallic elements
13 This element was named for a Russian Research Laboratory
14 This element's chemical symbol is Ne
15 It is believed that the Sudbury region of Canada is rich in this element because an ancient meteor impact
17 Concentrations as low as 1,000 parts per million of this poisonous gas can kill you
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