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The Orbit Crossword Puzzle

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The Orbit

                1                         2   3        
          4                                           5
Across Down
4 On of the EOMs , function : depression of the eyeball
6 On of the EOMs , function : abduction of the eyeball
7 On of the CNs , pass through the annulus of zinn , supply all of the EOMs except 2 of them
8 On of the CNs , pass through the superior orbital fissure , supply the superior oblique muscle
9 Also called iris sphincter muscle , supplied by the 3rd CN , function : constriction of the pupil
10 On of the EOMs , function : internal rotation , abduction and depression of the eyeball
11 Artery pass through the superior orbital fissure
12 Vein comunicates with the angular vein , it pass between the 2 heads of the lateral rectus , and through the superior orbital fissure
13 On of the EOMs , function : elevation of the eyeball
14 On of the EOMs , function : external rotation , abduction and elevation of the eyeball
1 On of the EOMs , function : elevation of the upper eyelid and maintain the upper eyelid position
2 On of the CNs , pass through the dorello’s canal , supply the lateral rectus muscle
3 Artery pass to orbit within the dura of the optic nerve
5 On of the EOMs , function : addaction of the eyeball
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