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The Outer Planets Crossword Puzzle

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The Outer Planets

note: all phrase or multiple-word answers are combined

              2                       3
    6           7                      
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5 what the massive storms caused by Neptune's strong winds are called
7 all outer planets lie beyond the _________.
9 the smaller gap located in the outer rings of Saturn
10 Uranus was once thought to be _________.
11 the largest planet; features the 'Great Red Spot'
12 what all outer planets are classified as (considers the composition of the planets)
13 the most volcanically active (known) body in our solar system; one of Jupiter's moons
14 the planet furthest from the sun; shares a name with the King of the Sea from Spongebob
1 the 'sideways' planet; has a funny nam
2 second largest planet; famous for its many rings
3 the darker clouds in layered atmospheres
4 the gap that separates Saturn's two brightest rings
6 the technical term for the outer planets
8 the brighter clouds in layered atmospheres
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