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The Ringed Planet

All about Saturn

    2                           3                  
              4   5                   6            
        10                 11                        
  13                           14                    
16       17                                          
            19                         20     21      
Across Down
7 one of the shepherd moons.
8 keep the rings from going far from the planet.
9 because of its tilt Saturn has this.
10 Saturn is named after this ancient Roman god of what?
12 another gas that mostly make up Saturn.
13 one of the shepherd moons.
16 our galaxy.
18 huge storm in Saturn that happens every 30 years or so.
19 the moon that astronomers say there is an ocean of liquid water.
22 discovered Saturn.
24 discovered the rings of Saturn.
1 the twin of Saturn
2 largest moon in Saturn.
3 this gas mostly make up Saturn.
4 the spacecraft that orbited Saturn.
5 found in Saturn's rings.
6 reason why Saturn can float in water.
11 reason why Saturn is so famous.
14 found in Saturn's rings.
15 Saturn and Jupiter are called this.
16 Saturn has many of these.
17 how long 1 lap around the sun takes.
20 the first mission that flybyed Saturn.
21 found in Saturn's rings.
23 how thick an average ring is.
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