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Tissue Types

            2         3              
      6                           7  
          13   14                 15    
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4 Sensory reseption and conduction of nerve impulses. Location is in the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves.
5 Contractile. Enlongated cells (muscle fibers) can shorten, moves body parts.
6 Involuntary movements of internal organs. Located at walls of hollow internal organs.
8 Tough tissue. Contains many collagenous fibers. A shock absorber for structures that are subjected to pressure. It is also cushions bones in the knees and in the pelvic gridle.
9 Cartilage cells. Occupy small chambers called lacunae and are completely within matrix.
11 Rigid connective tissue. Provides support, frameworks and attachements. Protects underlying tissues. Forms structural models for developing bones.
13 Voluntary movements of skeletal parts. Attached to bones.
1 Bone cells. Located in lacunae. Form a cylinder shaped unit called osteon.
2 Most common type of cartilage. Very fine ollagenous fibers in its matrix and looks somewhat like white glass. Found on ends of bones. Important in most growth of bones.
3 nerve cells. Sense certain types of changes in their surrounding. Respond by transmitting nerve impulses. Communicate with each other. Can coordinate, regulate and intergate many body functions.
4 Support and bind the components of nervous tissue. Carry on phagocytosis amd help supply nutrients to neurons.
7 Form the substance of bone. Contains a blood vessel.(haversian system)
10 Most rigid connective tissue. Its hardness is largely due to mineral salts. The matrix contains a great amout of collagen. Supports body structures. Protects vital parts.
12 Transports substances, helps maintain stable internal movement. Located throughout the body within heart chambers.
14 Contains a dense network of elastic fiber. It is more flexible than hyalie cartilage. Provides framework for external ears and for parts of the larynx.
15 heart movements. Located in the heart muscle.
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