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Triangle Crossword Puzzle

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              2   3              
            6     7         8    
11                   12            
14 15   16                          
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4 When you extend one side of a triangle you create an __ angle
6 A triangle with two congruent sides
10 The noncongruent side of an isosceles triangle.
11 If two sides of a triangle are congruent the angles __ of them are also congruent
13 Base angles in an isosceles triangle are __.
14 A three sided polygon.
1 __ triangles must have the same shape but can be a different size
2 The __ angle is between the two congruent sides.
3 The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is __ than either of its two non-adjacent interior angles
4 A triangle where all the side lengths and angles are equal.
5 The two congruent sides of triangle are called __.
7 The __ of the remote angles is equal to the exterior angle
8 A triangle with no congruent sides
9 The sum of the lengths of any __ sides of a triangle is greater than the length of the third side.
12 An __ triangle has one angle more than 90 degrees.
15 A triangle with one 90 degree angle.
16 An __ triangle has three angles that are less than 90 degrees.
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