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Woodwork Crossword Puzzle

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                    1           2        
            4               5            
        9     10                     11    
      14                           15      
          17               18              
      20 21                                
            22           23                
      24         25                        
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3 if waiting to use a machine, the safe distance behind the person operating the machine is how many metres?
6 a health problem associated with woodwork
7 what can you use to smooth wood?
9 worn to protect hearing
13 used to measure a long distance usually up to 5 metres
15 a softwood
16 a machine that makes holes
17 a machine with a blade that they also use at the butchers
19 comes out of a bottle, used to hold pieces of wood together
20 machine used to dimension timber
23 machine to turn wood
24 used to mark timber
1 a wood used in model making
2 machine to make decorative edges
4 used to measure a short distance
5 used to temporarily hold wood together
7 worn to protect eyes
8 you build your projects on it
10 worn to protect lungs
11 a finish
12 hand tool used to cut timber
14 you hit wood with it
18 a Western Australian hardwood
21 you hit nails in with it
22 measure twice, cut _ _ _ _ ?
25 keep wood for as _ _ _ _ as you can, for as _ _ _ _ as you can
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