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World History

                                2   3        
        4       5                            
                8                           9
        14                         15          
          16                 17                
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4 in early civilizations, they had fewer rights than men
6 A poem about the adventures of a Sumerian hero
7 Ancient Chinese used these to ask for the advice of their ancestors.
8 a set of moral and religious laws
10 These were pictorial symbols which represented things or ideas
11 Instead of following herds, people began to live in larger, more organized communities in what?
12 a city and its surrounding area
13 many gods
14 the first written code of law.
16 between two rivers
1 developed by the Hebrews-means one God
2 early Sumerian achievement
3 Pyramids were built as tombs for the....
5 domestication of animals and cultivation of crops
9 Each year the Nile flooded & fertilized the soil surrounding it. The flooding left behind a rich soil called...
15 Which civilization knew exactly when their river would flood each year
16 seasonal storms that dominate India’s climate
17 This civilization was concerned with sanitation and cleanliness.
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