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Year Book Key Terms

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3 finishes the story of the year and brings the yearbook to closure
4 the final printed page of the yearbook with a design similar to the title page: makes a powerful and final verbal and visual statement of the theme or concept
5 the first page of the yearbook makes a positive first impression and provides critical reference information
6 the main areas where the theme concept is visually and verbally reported to the readers: cover, endsheets, title page, opening, dividers, closing and parting pages
7 a theme related content element such as a photo strip, a folio presentation, a listing or quote box that runs consistently throughout the entire yearbook. a whole book link not only serves as a unifying element, but greatly expands coverage
8 feature key words pulled directly from the theme statement
9 introduces the story of the year and explains the yearbooks concept
10 key words, phrases or ideas that support the main theme or catch phrase through word choice or concept and are used for each section of the book or content modules. these unify the yearbook and highlight and coverage
11 the heavy paper between the cover and the first and last pages that help hold the pages into the cover
1 a spread that indicates a new section and provides design continuity throughout the yearbook
2 a central idea or concept that sets a tone for telling the story of the year repeated throughout the yearbook on the cover and endsheets and in opening, closing and divider pages, it unifies the storytelling message and gives the book a personality
3 rely on the concept introduced by the theme rather then on the words
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