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Holidays And Seasons Crossword Subjects

Holidays And Seasons Crosswords

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Title Instructions / Description Sample Puzzle Hints Difficulty
Presidents Day President lives there. George threw this coin. President's title ...in chief.. President's Desk is there. George chopped this tree. Hard
Saint Patrick's Day gem, having a clear deep green color. a large public procession, usually including a marching band. color. a dwarf. a small pink-flowered clover. Older Children
Seasons Either of the two moments of the year when the sun crosses the celestial equator. The motion of an object around its own axis . The measurement of distance from the equator. The southern end of Earth's axis of rotation. An imaginary line around which an object rotates. Older Children
Spring Spring follows this season in the southern hemisphere. Bees start doing this in early spring. The month that starts the spring season in Australia. Allergy usually experienced in spring. A Chinese snack consisting of a pancake filled with vegetables and fried. Very Difficult
Spring month that Spring begins in the Southern Hemisphere. on March 26, our clocks get set ____ one hour. Spring zodiac sign. the 4th Month in a calendar year. best squadron in the MDG. Older Children
Spring Break words that go with Spring an outing or occasion that involves taking a packed meal to be eaten outdoors.. a mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud and advancing beneath a large storm system.. a structure or place made or chosen by a bird for laying eggs and sheltering its young.. a flowering plant's unit of reproduction, capable of developing into another such plant.. a damaging immune response by the body to a substance, especially pollen, fur, a particular food, or dust, to which it has become hypersensitive.. Simple
Spring Flowers a flower that blooms at the end of winter and announces the approach of spring. early spring flower, anemone . a flower or divine hero from Greek mythology. Bachelor's button. a flower or Donald Duck's best friend. Older Children
Spring Time You plant vegetables and flowers in this. A Spring onth that comes before May. Flowers start from a ..... You need these to grow plants and vegetables. This is in the sky after it rains - Rain + sun = _________. Older Children
Springtime Spring weather can be this. Pretty bulb with white blooms. Baby frog. Light and fluffy or dark and menacing. A host of golden ..... Big
Springtime Day for practical jokes. Delivers chocolate eggs to children. Young sheep. Pink flower, apple or cherry. Springtime rainfall. Big
St George's Day Emperor who had St George executed.. Name of English King who makes a speech about St.George in a Shakespeare play.. Birth place of St George.. St George's modern day nationality.. County famous for its pasty's.. Hard
St Paddy's Day 2 down's treasure trove. 1916 Easter Rising site. fuel source known as turf. airport and river. Irish coffee ingredient. Big
St Patrick's Day ______ with envy. A mischievous little person. A culture. The third month of the year. A small green plant. Easy
St. Patrick's Day An important story. To disappear completely. Forced to work. Worth a lot of money. A march of celebration. Older Children
St. Patrick's Day A green colour associated with Ireland. Nickname for Ireland. Leprechaun's stash at the end of the rainbow. A public procession celebrating a special day, including marching bands and floats. Colour worn on St. Patrick's Day. Very Difficult
St. Patrick's Day On St. Patrick's Day what brand of Irish Whiskey is mostly consumed in America during the celebration.. What do everyone wears on this holiday celebration?. What was not a traditional St. Patrick's symbolic item though later usage from the foreigners as a negative Irish stereotypes as a displays of 'Plastic Paddyness'?. Centuries ago what language the Irish traditionally spoken and wrote songs to celebrate today?. St. Patrick's originally from?. Hard
St. Patrick's Day Parade A show in the street where people dance, play music, and wear costumes. The color of Ireland and spring. Small, mean man with a pot of gold. The language people speak in Ireland. _____ 17 is St. Patrick's Day.. Older Children
St. Patricks Day What is at the end of the rainbow?. What is March 17th?. The color most identified with St. Patrick's Day. St. Patrick is known for banishing what?. What does the color green stand for in Ireland?. Older Children
Summer protects your skin from the sun. protect your eyes from the sun. You ride on the waves with it . something cold to eat on a hot day. a planet on fire . Easy
Summer Break fill in the blanks and complete the crossword Dries you when you come out of the water __________. Pretty things you find on the beach __________. Worn to protect eyes from the sun's glare __________. Large object used to ride the waves __________ . Makes shade for you at the beach __________. Older Children
Summer Fun Answer each question and fill in the blanks to solve the puzzle. Protective lotion against the sun. Healthy summertime transportation. Outdoor events in Summer. Outdoor Summer activities may be cancelled if there is bad.... Riding the waves of summer. Older Children
Summer Fun Spish Splaash . ouch!! when you bake in the sun. What color is the grass in summer. basket, ants, sandwich, park. Where you go swimming. Older Children
Sun and Snow You can't find two the same. coldest season of the year. can lead to skin cancer. throw these at your enemy. defrosting your car from ................... Very Difficult
The Four Seasons Frist month of Autumn. a month of spring. Mother's Day is celebrated in this month. not cold or hot. protects from sun and rain. Simple
Time its cold and snowy. leaves fall off the trees. fireworks . seventh month of the year. halloween . Big
U.S. Holidays Celebrates the Declaration of Independence every July 4. First Monday in September, honors those who fought in the Labor Movement . Combines two presidents' birthdays in February . Every fourth Thursday of November. Celebrates the birthday of Christopher Columbus, the 'discoverer of America.' Now controversial . Older Children
Valentine Spelling Words For Valentine's we want salty food and _________.. When we use our voice to a tune.. The color of love.. All you need is ______.. Nicole's favorite color.. Big
Valentine's Day Which Scottish poet wrote A Red, Red Rose? . Which symbol does New York’s Empire State Building illuminate on every Valentine’s Day? . Which Roman god was either depicted as a plump cherub with a bow and arrow, or as a handsome teenager? . Today we associate love with the heart, but this wasn’t always the case. In medieval times, which internal organ was believed to cause love? . As well as being the unofficial patron saint of love, what occupation is St Valentine also believed to be the patron of? . Big
Valentines Day a bubbly drink. an pleasant aroma. something you wear. the shape of a heart. a meal. Big
Valentines Day A jesture of love. A warm touch. They Light up so bright. They work for any occassion . A Emotion that gives. Easy
Valentines Day In 'XOXOXOX,' an X represents this action. Cupid's wife.. This Valentine symbol consists of graceful loops, often in the shape of hearts, with no beginning or end. (Two words.). A piece of jewelry worn around one's neck.. Valentines Day fall on February __. Big
Veterans Day Previous name of Veterans Day. Served in military. Why we entered WWII. Awesome Air Force man. What we all are. Older Children
Victoria Day A Canadian celebration. Famous gardens in Victoria. The capital of British Columbia. Where the lieutenant governor lives. May long. Hard
Why Leaves Turn Color in the Fall Read the statements and fill in the blanks using the crossword puzzle I noticed my jacket had a loose _______________. . The students were asked to _________________ making so much noise.. ___________________ is the season for Day of the Dead and Halloween. . Late August or early September are usually hot; they are the ___________.. When coloring a map, sometimes it is better to _______________ it with colored pencil.. Older Children
Winter A light snow. What you use to remove the snow by hand. What falls from the sky. What you clean the ice off with from your car. What you throw at people. Big
Winter little helpers. you'll never find two of me exactly the same. this tree keeps its color all year round. visions of these danced in children's heads (2 words). common winter activity to do on ice. Big
Winter A warm chocolate drink to enjoy. The white stuff that falls from the sky in Winter. A Winter activity on a frozen pond. Keep your hands warm and start with an M. Wear this on your head or you're sure to get cold. Older Children
Winter Weather with frozen water falling from the sky. Frozen water falling from the sky. Where smoke leaves the house from a fireplace. Soft or woolly coverings. A type of tree that does not lose it's leaves in winter. Older Children
Winter Blizzard. Used to gather snow. Coldest season. Winter sport. White stuff that falls from the clouds and stays on the ground. Big
Winter a very light snow fall. a long winter sleep. very breezy. frozen 'dew' on the grass. kind of cold. Older Children
Winter something you scoop up snow with. a time of year. a cold season. a cold material. using special shoes on ice. Older Children
Winter parents do it when it snows. four of these things year round. season after Fall. type of precipatation but cold. gliding on shoes in winter. Older Children
Winter Complete the word puzzle below! Let's go ________ down that big snow covered hill!. Don't forget to wear your _____ to keep your head warm!. ______ keep your fingers and hands from getting cold.. Hot _________ is a nice drink to warm up from the cold!. _______ on an ice rink is a fun thing to do with your friends.. Young Kids
Winter Clothing These keep your hands warm too, and are easy for children to put on. This keeps your neck warm.. this has no sleeves. this sweatshirt has a hood. like a coat. Easy
Winter Holiday Jewish toy. massive snow storm. jolly old man dressed in red. Holiday celebrating Jesus's birthday. _________ the red nose reindeer. Older Children
Winter Holidays around the World Find the names of the winter holidays using the clues Celebrated mainly in Toronto. There are fireworks.. People chase Saint Nicholas to catch him.. African holidays. People celebrate unity and community.. It is Santa Claus' ugly companion. Typical Spanish celebration where 3 men enter your house at night to leave you presents.. Hard
Winter Joy A season (part) of the year.. It is white and falls down from the sky.. You ride on in on snow.. A piece of ice hanging from the roof.. The best holidays in winter with presents.. Easy
Winter Sports something that you put on your skin so that you don't get a sunburn. A season which comes after fall. A piece of equipment that you need when playing hockey. Wear layers of clothes. A sport that is a lot like skateboarding or surfing on the snow. Older Children