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7 Sacraments

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21 22                   23     24     25                        
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29             30                                            
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6 What is the first part if the essentials of the rite during Reconciliaton?
8 Who is the minister of Holy Orders?
9 What is it called when the bread and wine turn into the body and blood of Jesus in the Eucharist?
10 Holy Orders is a sacrament of_____.
13 Who is the minister of marriage?
15 In Anointing of the Sick, what sacrament does the sprinkling of the water represent?
17 What does Baptism cleanse your soul of?
18 What object in marriage represents unconditional love for each other?
19 What does the purple stole the minister wears during Reconciliation represent?
20 What is the oil you are anointed with at Baptism called?
21 Which form of the trinity is present during Anointing of the Sick?
26 What do we say to prepare ourselves for the Eucharist?
28 How many elements are there in the sacrament of Reconciliation?
29 In Anointing of the Sick, what means Holy Communion 'With you on your way'?
31 How any times can you recive Baptism?
1 What is the staff the bishop holds in Confirmation called?
2 Who is normally the minister of Confirmation?
3 During confession what do you confess to the minister?
4 What is marriage?
5 How many ordinations are there in the sacrament of Holy Orders?
6 What do men have to receive in order to receive Holy Orders?
7 Who does marriage unite the bride and groom with?
11 Baptism is a sacrament of_____.
12 What object holds the body and blood of Jesus in the Eucharist?
14 During Confirmation, who says the line 'Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit'?
16 What type of sin does the Eucharist forgive?
22 What oil is used in Anointing of the Sick?
23 In Confirmation, who are we united deeper with?
24 Where is the recipient anointed with chrism in Confirmation?
25 Who is the witness of marriage?
27 Anointing of the Sick is given to those who are _____?
30 Who can receive the sacrament of Holy orders?
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