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Age of Exploration

                                  D                         C    
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                                  A                         O    
                                  N                         S    
                            B A R T H O L O M E W D I A S   S   C
                            A                               S   A
                          P R I N C E H E N R Y N A V I G A T O R
                            T                               A   T
                            H                   C           F   O
          M A G N E T I C C O M P A S S         A           F   G
                            L                   R               R
S E B A S T I A N E L C A N O                   A               A
                            M                   V               P
                        T R E A T Y O F T O R D E S I L L A S   H
                            W                   L               Y
                          F E R D I N A N D M A G E L L A N      
                          V A S C O N U N E Z D E B A L B O A   V
                            S                                   A
                            C H R I S T O P H E R C O L U M B U S
                            A                               L   C
  H E R N A N D O C O R T E S           M         M         A   O
                            A M E R I G O V E S P U C C I   C   D
    C O N Q U I S T A D O R S           N         N         K   E
                                        T         D         L   G
                                        E         U         E   A
                                        Z         S         G   M
                                        U         N         E   A
                                        M         O         N    
                                        A         V         D    
                                        L         U              
                                        L         S              
Across Down
3 Rounded the southern tip of Africa and opened the eastern African shores to Portuguese traders in 1488
5 Financed numerous expeditions along the West African coastline in the hope of finding gold
7 Pointed to the magnetic north, making it easier to determine direction
8 Continued Magellan's journey; returned to Spain three years later with a single ship and 18 survivors
9 Confirmed Portugal's right to the eastern route to the Indies as well as to any undiscovered lands in the east; entitled Portugal to Brazil granted rights to African slave trade
10 Set said in pursuit of Columbus' goal of reaching the Spice Islands; his ship was the first to circumnavigate the globe
11 Discovered the Pacific Ocean after crossing the Panama
13 Believed a western track would be shorter than paths the Portuguese were taking; reached the Bahamas, believing he had reached the Indies somewhere west of Indea
15 Conquered the Aztecs in Mesoamerica
18 Explored Brazil; 1st European to realize he had discovered a new continent in the New World; America named after him
19 Spanish adventurers who led conquests in the Americas
1 Used to determine latitude by measuring altitude of celestial bodies
2 Used to determine latitude by measuring altitude of celestial bodies
3 Priest who publicly (at court) criticized the ruthlessness with which Columbus and his successors treated the Amerindians
4 Improved navigation; mapping
6 Small, Lighter, and faster ships ideal for ocean travel
12 Built on Dias' route, completed an all water expedition to India in 1498
14 Spain was accused of using Christianity as a smokescreen or killing countless natives
16 Aztec emperor
17 New World in Latin
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