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Age of Innovation and Industry

Match the definition with the correct word, and record your answers in the blank spaces provided.

            S H E R M A N A N T I T R U S T A C T
              O                   R              
B E S S E M E R P R O C E S S     U              
              I                   S              
              Z                   T              
            E N T R E P R E N E U R              
            L A I S S E Z F A I R E              
          P H I L A N T H R O P I S T            
            V E R T I C A L I N T E G R A T I O N
            C A P I T A L I S M                  
            M O N O P O L Y                      
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1 Outlaw of monopolies, trusts, and other business that restricted trade.
4 quicker/cheaper way of making steel.
5 Person who establishes new business
6 supply and demand
7 Person who gives money for a good cause
8 Controlling each step of the production of the product.
9 Factories/equipment are privately owned instead of controlled by the government.
10 Company that has the most power in that specific industry
2 The joining of many firms from the same industry to produce as much as possible.
3 Multiple companies that work together so that no other companies can compete.
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