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Albert Einstein Crossword Puzzle Answer

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Albert Einstein

          N O B E L              
U N I F I E D F I E L D          
          A T O M I C B O M B    
      M U S I C                  
      R   C   H                  
      I   O   A                  
    G E R M A N Y                
          P   S                  
  J E W I S H                    
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2 What prize that Einstein won after his Relativity theory was observed by British astronomers in 1919?
3 What theory did Einstein fail to complete before his death?
4 When Einstein signed the letter to president Roosevelt during World War I, what creation did he indirectly contribute to?
5 Besides Physics and Mathematics, what subject did Einstein see structure in?
8 Which country was Einstein born in?
9 What was Einstein’s heritage?
1 Which country did Einstein move to during World War I?
5 What is the first name of Einstein’s first love?
6 What childhood gift Einstein received that intrigued him to study science on his own?
7 What is the name of Einstein’s first son?
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