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American Government Crossword Puzzle

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American Government

Answers with more than one word will not have a space between the words.

                      3   4           5
      13                     14          
    15     16                            
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4 The building where Congress meets
6 If the President doesn't like a bill, he can _____________it.
8 What branch of the government makes the laws?
10 The building where the President lives and works
11 The President is the head of which branch of the government?
12 Capital of the United States
13 The first 10 amendments to the Constitution
15 Is elected every four years
1 What do you call a judge on the U.S. Supreme Court?
2 The level of government responsible for making money
3 The branch of government that decides if laws are constitutional
4 The Senate and House of Representatives make up this legislative branch of government
5 The level of government responsible for trash collection
7 Is elected every two years
9 Number of Justices on the Supreme Court
14 100 people serve in this half of Congress
16 The level of government responsible for issuing driver's licenses
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