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Ancient Greece

Colonization and Conquests

      P E L O P O N N E S I A N W A R
C O L O N I Z A T I O N              
      D E L I A N L E A G U E        
      P H I L I P O F M A C E D O N  
      P E R S I A N W A R            
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2 Tensions divided Greece into two armed camps, under the control of Athens and Sparta; Led to the unconditional surrender of Athens
3 Caused the increase of cultural diffusion, trade, and development of the land
4 Military and financial alliance among Greek poleis; When Persian threat subsided, Athens left as lone contributor
5 Originally brought Greece under control from Macedon
6 Xerxes tried to retake control of Ionian States, but failed at Battle of Marathon due to the combining opposition of many Greek city-states
1 Invaded Persia and burned Persepolis; Took control of Syria, Egypt, and Mesopotamia
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