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Ancient Greece

        D E M O C R A C Y              
C I T I Z E N S                        
        P E R I C L E S                
          A R I S T O C R A T S        
      O L I G A R C H Y                
          D I R E C T D E M O C R A C Y
          E                       T    
          M A C E D O N I A N S   H    
  D R A C O                       E    
          C L E I S T H E N E S   N    
          R                   O   S    
          A S S E M B L Y     L        
          C                   O        
        T Y R A N T           N        
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2 A type of government in which people rule themselves. 'RULE OF THE PEOPLE'
3 People who had the right to participate in government.
4 He was a leader from about 460 BC until 429 BC. He encouraged the people of his city to participate in government.
5 Rich landowners.
6 A government in which only a few people have power. 'Government by the Few'
7 All citizens in Athens could participate directly in the government.
9 Democracy in Athens came to an end after these people conquered Greece.
10 He created a set of very harsh laws for Athens.
11 He is known as the father of democracy.
13 This meeting was an opportunity for all citizens to debate and vote on laws.
14 A leader who held power through the use of force.
1 The citizens elect officials to represent them in the government. This term describes the government of the United States.
8 The city where democracy was born.
12 Created a set of laws that were not harsh and gave rights to nonaristocrats.
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