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Anglo Boer War Crossword Puzzle Answer

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Anglo Boer War

            C O M M A N D O          
        T E N T S                    
        G U E R R I L L A            
  L I V E S T O C K                  
C H O L E R A                        
          K I T C H E N E R          
        V I C T O R I A              
        T O M M I E S                
            S C O R C H E D E A R T H
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1 The name given to the groups of Boer fighters.
2 Accommodation in the camps.
3 The type of tactics adopted by the Boer soldiers.
4 Animals killed by the British and the crops were burned.
5 A disease that spread amongst the women and children.
6 The British commander who ordered the farms to be burned.
7 The British Monarch who wanted Britain to rule South Africa,
8 The name that the Boers called the British soldiers.
9 British policy of burning Boer farms.
1 Where Boer women and children were held prisoner.
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