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British Acts, Boston Massacre, And The Boston Tea Party Crossword Puzzle Answer

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British Acts, Boston Massacre, and the Boston Tea Party

    S   F                                        
P A T R I O T S                 Q                
    O   V     O                 U                
    N   E   I N T O L A R A B L E                
              S                 B   Q            
            T O W N S H E N D   E   U            
              F                 C   A            
              L O Y A L I S T S     T            
              I                     E N G L A N D
              B O S T O N H A R B O R            
              E                     I            
            B R I T I S H A C T S   N            
              T   E   T         U   G            
              Y   A   A         G                
                      M         A                
                      P         R                
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3 the group of colonists who attacked the British soldiers/loyalists during the Boston Massacre
6 the acts that punished people for the Boston tea party
8 the act that taxed paper,lead,glass,and paint
9 the group of colonlists who stayed loyal to England and King George III
10 the country that taxed the American Colonists
11 the body of water where the tea was dumped in during the Boston Tea Party
12 these were started in order to pay for the Seven Years War
1 where the Boston Tea Party took place
2 the amount of people that died during the Boston Massacre
4 the group of colonists who violently protested
5 the act that gave land to Canada
7 the act that forced American colonists to provide housing to British soldiers
13 the act that taxed tea
14 the act that taxed things like paper and stamps
15 the act that gave ability to Parlaiment to search ships
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