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Building Socialism

        C                           L    
R E D G U A R D S                   A    
        L                           K    
        T H E M A R R I A G E L A W S O F
      G R E A T L E A P F O R W A R D    
        L A N D R E F O R M T E A M S    
    A G E O L D D E F E R E N C E        
    P E O P L E S C O M M U N E S        
        U               M                
        T O T A L I T A R I A N          
        I               H                
        O               A                
  Z H E N O T D E       R                
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3 Leaders of the Cultural Revolution that sought to expel capitalist influence and anything they thought to be counter-revolutionary
4 Decreed free choice in marriage, easy divorce, the end of concubinage and child marriage, permission for widows to remarry, and equal property rights for women in China
5 The effort made by the Communist Party of China under the leadership of Mao Zedong to transform China into a society capable of competing with other industrialized nations through equality and redistribution of land
6 Chinese group dispatched to mobilize the poorer peasants often to confront and humiliate landlords and seize land, animals, tools, houses, and money
7 The Traditional Chinese Philosophy in which peasants had rendered to their social superiors. This philosophy conflicted significantly with the Chinese Land Reform Teams
8 The effort established during the Great Leap Forward to mobilize China's enormous population to development more moving towards a communist society and producing a greater degree of social equality and collective farming.
10 Political System where the State has complete control over the society and seeks to control public and private life
11 Means 'Women's Department'. It was a special party that had a feminist agenda and was set up in 1919 by the USSR
1 The rich peasants that were personally singled out by Stalin, often killed or deported.
2 Movement Started by Mao to purge the country of capitalist influence
9 Our second semester Modern World History teacher
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