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Chinese Imperialism

Try to fill in all of the new Chinese terms in this crossword puzzle.

              H                     S P H E R E O F I N F L U E N C E
              A       G                 O                            
              N       E                 N                            
              D   C   R                 G                            
              O   H   M                 K                            
              V   I   A       T         O                            
              E   N   N       E         N                            
            T R E A T Y O F N A N J I N G                            
          S I N O J A P A N E S E W A R                              
            I M P E R I A L I S M                                    
      Q I N G D Y N A S T Y                                          
  F R A N C E                     S                                  
            B O X E R R E B E L L I O N                              
            E                     L                                  
  P O R C E L A I N               K                                  
      C I X I                                                        
            O P E N D O O R P O L I C Y                              
B R I T A I N             E                                          
Across Down
2 The system that foreigners used to control China with that involved indirect rule.
7 The first of many unfair treaties that Britain had to sign. They singed this one after the first opium war and it gave Britain extreme control of China.
8 The war between China and Japanese over common land
9 A policy of extending a country's power through diplomacy or military strategies
10 The group that controlled China before the imperialists came in and took power
11 Was a western country that instituted a sphere of influence in China in the south.
13 A war between the foreigners and China because they were influencing the country too much
14 One of the most important natural resources that China had that allowed for the desire for foreign trade.
15 The ruler of the Qing Dynasty while imperialism was going on in China.
16 A policy that Americans instituted so that Chinese trade would always be fair.
18 One of the main westerners that instituted spheres of influences in China.
1 The ceremonial handover of Hong Kong from Britain back to China. This happened in 1997.
3 An island that was given to China after the opium war and was not given back to China until 1997.
4 Was a western country that instituted a sphere of influence in China in the north
5 The country that had many westerners come and institute spheres of influences.
6 An extremely important natural resource that all foreigners craved
7 A civil war between the people in China who believed in traditional techniques and western ones.
12 One of the most important natural resources in China, there as a road named after it
17 The way that China is run after imperialists and when the Qing Dynasty was finished.
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