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Earth And Moon Crossword Puzzle

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Earth and Moon

complete the crossword by filling in the correct answers.

  1     2           3   4          
6           7                      
    10                       11   12  
14   15                              
    16                   17          
Across Down
2 When the Moon’s near side is completely dark, it is at the ___ _____ phase
6 The ______ are older than the maria and are covered with craters
8 Areas near the ______ are colder
9 The sequence of phases is called the _____ ____
10 dark flat areas on the Moon are called _____
13 The line on which an object rotates is the _____ _____
14 Earth rotates from ____ to east
16 The side of the Moon we see is called the _____ _____
18 The motion of one object around another object is called _______
19 When ____ solidified, it was dark and flat
20 The moon revolves around the ____
21 Light-colored streaks are called ____
22 The path an object follows as it moves around another object is an ______
23 A beam of sunlight carries _____
1 An ______ is a day when Earth’s rotation axis is leaning along Earth’s orbit,
3 The Sun’s apparent path across the sky changes from season to season in the ______ hemisphere
4 ____ holds Earth in its orbit
5 Earth’s surface is _____
7 ____ ______ happens inside the Sun
11 The side on the Moon we don't see is called the ____ ____
12 Earth’s rotation axis is _____
15 The moon reflects light from the ____
17 Earth is closest to the Sun in _____
18 ______ motion of Earth causes day and night
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