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Civil War

Complete the crossword.

                I     T                      
                V     O   M                  
                I     T   I                  
                L     A   L                  
                I     L   I                  
                A     W   T       R A C I S M
                N     A   I           A   I  
      G E T T Y S B U R G A D D R E S S   E  
        M                             U   G  
      B A T T L E O F B U L L R U N   A   E  
        N                             L      
        C L A R A B A R T O N         T      
        I                     B       Y      
        P                     R              
        A S S A S S I N A T I O N            
D R A F T                     G              
        I                     A              
      C O P P E R H E A D     N              
    M A R T I A L L A W                      
        C O M M U T A T I O N                
R E B E L                                    
        A B O L I T I O N I S T              
      H A B E A S C O R P U S                
        T                   E                
P R O F I T E E R S         C                
        O                   E                
  E M A N C I P A T E       D                
Across Down
4 The belief that one race is superior to the other
7 The speech when Lincoln said that the Civil War was a test of whether or not a democratic nation could survive
9 The battle that showed both the Union and the Confederacy that their soldiers needed training
10 She earned fame as a Civil War nurse and founded the American Red Cross
12 When a person is murdered for political reasons
13 Required all able-bodied men at a certain age to fight in the war when needed
14 A nickname for northerners who were against the Civil War
15 Rule by the army instead of the elected government
16 This is when a person could pay a fee rather than be drafted into the army
17 A nickname given to people in the South supporting the Confederate States
18 A person who advocated or supported getting rid of slaves in the U.S.
19 The right to have charges filed or a hearing before being jailed
21 Charged excessive prices for goods the government desperately needed for the war
22 To free
1 People who were not in the army
2 When civilians and soldiers are affected
3 An army of citizens used during emergencies
5 A soldier that is wounded or killed during battle
6 A military blockade of an enemy town or position in order to force it to surrender
8 An executive order issued on January 1, 1863, by President Lincoln freeing slaves in all portions of the United States not then under Union control
11 An ankle high shoe worn by soldiers during the Civil War
20 When the southern states chose to leave the United States and to no longer be a part of the country
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