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Civil War

                      C     E                                    
                      I     C                                    
                      V     E                                    
                      I     S                                    
                      L     S                   F                
                      W     I                   O   B            
                      A     O                   R   O            
            J E F F E R S O N D A V I S         T   R            
              M                                 S   D            
              A P P O M A T T O X C O U R T H O U S E            
              N                                 M   R            
          S E C T I O N A L I S M               T   S H E R M A N
              I                                 E   T            
              P                                 R   A            
            B A T T L E O F G E T T Y S B U R G     T            
              T                             O       E            
C A S U A L T I E S                         B       S            
              O                             E                    
            U N C L E T O M S C A B I N     R                    
              P                             T                    
          A B R A H A M L I N C O L N       E                    
              O                             L                    
              C O N F E D E R A C Y         E                    
              L                             E                    
            B A T T L E O F A N T I E T A M                      
            B A T T L E O F B U L L R U N                        
              I             D                                    
          A B O L I T I O N I S T                                
              N     O       S                                    
                    T       E                                    
                    A       A                                    
                    L       S                                    
                    W       E                                    
Across Down
5 Confederate president
7 Place where the confederacy surrendered to the Union
8 loyalty to a section or region of a country, rather than the entire nation
9 Union military general, who led the Union to victory in 1865
10 turning point in the war that resulted in devastating losses for both the Union and the Confederacy, but also stopped the Confederacy from breaching the north
12 term used to refer to those wounded and/or killed
13 influential book that inspired the abolitionist movement and intensified conflict between the north and the south
14 elected in 1860 as the president of the USA, and influenced southern states to secede from the Union
15 name of seceded southern states during Civil War
16 bloodiest day in US history
17 first official battle of the Civil War that proved the war would not be quick or easy
19 someone who wants to end slavery
1 to withdraw from the union
2 conflict between the north and south over Southern secession
3 first conflict between the North and South
4 slave states that remained part of the Union during the Civil War
6 speech given by Abraham Lincoln that changed the war purpose to include ending slavery
11 Confederate General in the Civil War
18 one of the leading causes of death in the Civil War
20 military strategy that focuses on destroying all resources that the enemy could use
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