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Digestion Crossword Puzzle

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  2 3                         4        
6           7                          
            8                       9  
            11                 12        
        15           16                  
Across Down
2 the food tube
5 helps move glucose into the blood
6 secretes bile into small intestine
7 this is where the body absorbs all food, vitamins, fluid and minerals
8 number of feet long the small intestine is
10 secreted by liver and separates fats so they can be broken down by enzymes
11 breaks down protein, carbs, and fats so they can be absorbed into body
14 helps move glucose from the blood into the cells
15 number of hours it can take to digest an average meal
1 this is where moisture is absorbed from what is left of food
3 first thing to start to breakdown carbohydrates
4 waste material created by large intestine
9 secretes enzymes that break down separated fats also secretes insulin
12 2 functions one is digestion the other is defense
13 where food first entes the body
16 number of feet long the large intestine is
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