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                                        2       3           4              
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            29                       30                                      
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5 how easily a fluid flows
10 explains why some objects float in water while others sink
11 the amount of a substance dissolved in another substance, usually water
14 a variable that is held constant during an experiment
15 the total mass of all substances that make up an object by the total volume of the object
16 the process by which a substance is transformed from one state to another
17 the ability of a substance to be squeezed into a smaller volume or space
19 the change of state in which a liquid is transformed into a solid
23 the mass of an object divided by its volume
26 the temperature at which a substance freezes or solidifies
28 anything that causes a change in the motion of an object
29 the condition in which for every force acting on an object there is another force that is equal in strength and opposite in direction
31 the amount of matter an object has
32 the amount of space taken up y an object or substance
1 same as buoyancy
2 a technique for measuring the volume of an irregularly shaped object
3 the temperature at which a substance is transformed from a liquid to a gas
4 the energy of motion
6 the amount of fluid that flows past a point in a given amount of time
7 the study of pressure in liquids
8 when a gas goes directly to a solid without the liquid state
9 theory that all matter consists of tiny particles that follow five basic rules
12 the change of state in which a solid is transformed directly into a gas without going through the liquid state
13 the state of matter that has a specific volume but its shape is determined by its container
18 when a substance goes from a liquid to a solid
20 state of matter that has a definite shape and volume
21 the state of matter that takes the shape of its surroundings and fills its container
22 when a gas is transformed to a liquid
24 the temperature at which something melts
25 the amount of mass in a certain volume
26 anything that flows; a liquid or a gas
27 the process by which a liquid is rapidly converted into a gas
29 the upward force on objects submerged in or floating on a fluid
30 when a liquid is transformed into a gas
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