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Children Crosswords

These crosswords are made for kids ages 8 to 12. They are made up of words that are often found in third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grade spelling lists and cover subjects of interest to older kids. To view or print a crossword puzzle for children click on its title.

Title Subject Instructions / Description Sample Puzzle Hints
Abraham Lincoln History Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln at Ford's Theater?. The North and South were starting to __________.. What kind of houses did Lincoln live in during his childhood?. What number President was Lincoln?. Who won the Civil War?.
Abraham Lincoln History What did Abraham Lincoln practice without a degree?. What did Lincoln battle with for most of his life?. What day was Lincoln assassinated?. How many terms did Lincoln served in the U.S. House of Representatives?. He was the first president to have a what?.
Abraham Lincoln History How tall is Abraham Lincoln?. how many siblings did he have?. What number president was Abraham Lincoln?. what was his famouse speech?. where was he born?.
Absolutism Government and Politics Monarchs tried to improve _________ by increasing their own power.. Territorial and ___________ conflicts between states led to almost continuous warfare.. Absolute Monarchy declares that the monarchy holds ultimate _____ over the government.. The idea that God created the monarchy. Absolute Monarchy was created in the _____________ century..
Abstract nouns Spelling Lists A quality possessed by very intelligent people __________________________. A feeling of great potential and positivity about the future ________________________. An emotion felt when very angry ______________________________. A quality possessed by those who are kind and compassionate _________________________. An emotion felt when extremetly excited about something __________________________.
Academic Vocabulary Spelling Lists conviction that certain things are true. skills and arts of a given people in a given age. thing of intrinsic worth. to take part in something. to include.
Accounting Business and Work assets = liabilities + owner's equity. the amount of money owed, or payable, to the creditors of a business. a chronological record of the transactions of a business. an entry on the left side of an account. accounting period that begins on Jan. 1 and ends on Dec. 31.
Acid Science The creator of Acid was a _______.. What month was Acid created. Acid can make you ___________.. The country Acid was made in.. Acid can come in a ____..
Acids and Bases Chemistry _______ acids do not ionize completely. conducts an electric current. can reversible change color. precipitation has a pH less than 5.0. reaction between an acid and a base.
Acids and Bases Chemistry the name of HCl: ____________ ____. the unit used to measure the concentration of a solution: ____ ___ _____. the amount of atom, ions or molecules contained in a volume of solution. a solution with a pH higher than 7 is _______. the name of NaOH: ___________ ___________.
Adam and Eve Bible Adam and Eve did not obey God, so they would have to deal with ______ and thistles.. Who convinced Eve to take the fruit and eat it?. God took a ___ from Adam, and made a woman.. Adam named every creature or __________.. The Lord God formed man of the _____ of the ground..
Add 'ing' Spelling Lists sneeze. drive. cry. book. ride.
Add 'ing' Spelling Lists climb. kick. break. surf. run.
Adjectives Spelling Lists Feeling sure about your own ability to do things and be successful.. Feeling worried or nervous.. a strong desire to know about something.. Shy or ashamed, especially in a social situation... Very interested..
Adopt a Hedgehog Animals Child Hedgehogs root nosily in the ground for food like this farm animal. Don’t put out a saucer of this for hedgehogs to drink as it gives them an upset tummy . Hedgehogs do this during the winter when there isn’t much food for them to eat . Hedgehogs like to nest under piles of these. The grey-brown fur along the sides of a hedgehog.
Advanced Vocabulary Spelling Lists A high-speed interface between computers and peripherals such as external disk drives, cameras, and camcorders.. General term used to describe an undesirable, momentary pulse or unexpected input or output.. to put a set of instructions into a computer in a form that it can understand and use. the opposition of a piece of electrical equipment,etc. to the low of a direct current. to copy something exactly.
Adventure Other bold or daring feats . a person skilled in planning action or policy . acting with or showing care and thought for the future . eat hungrily or quickly . to call upon to do something specified .
adverbs Literature and Writing adverb of hungry. is what you add -ly to. most and best are . adverbs that do not have -ly added to an adjective to make a superlative adverb. adverbs that do have -ly added to an adjective to make the superlative adverb.
Adverbs Ending with the Suffix 'ly' Spelling Lists Complete the crossword puzzle Fast. In a happy way. Inspiring delight or extremely well. To show bold disobedience. In a pleasant manner.
Africa World Geography a journy to a holy site. crossing the sahara desert in north africa. to assign to a position or an office (not elected). inheritance of the right to rule. a student of or expert in history.
Africa World Geography This animal is a native of Africa. The River Nile begins its course in this country. This is an island country to the south east of Africa. This natural resource has been found in parts of Africa. This is the second largest continent in the world.
Africa's Early History African History a scientist who study launguages. vast forest that contains jungles and lots of of rain. dense tangles of plants wherever the sun shines. place we are studying. stories, song,and poems passed by word of mouth from generation to an another.
African American History What class of people gained power in the lower South during the cotton boom?. Eli Whitney's invention that changed cotton production.. The sets of rules slaves had to live by.. What song provided motivation for the slaves with the idea that they too would be led to freedom?. Established by slaves, these places were found in the woods..
African Animals Animals live in flocks and have pink feathers. live in herds of 100's and have huge curved horns. can have black fur and live in prides. largest LAND animal. live in trees and are related to humans.
Age of Exploration History Use your notes to answer the questions Cortez, Columbus, Magellan, and Pizarro explored for this country. Which of these explorers worked for England: Columbus, Cortez, or Drake?. Worked for Spain, sailed from Cuba to Mexico and brought down the Aztec empire. The Pope created this agreement to keep the peace between Spain and Portugal. The Treaty of ______. Worked for Spain, first person to sail around the world.
Air and Water Earth Sciences damaging to plants. contains oxygen and carbon dioxide. how plants get most of their water. can kill plant cells or an entire plant. this type of air can put stress on the plant.
Air Masses and Fronts Meteorology in a warm front warm air moves over a cold air mass.. a front that occurs when a cold front and a warm front meet.. in a cold front cold air move under a warm air mass.. an air mass is a large region of the atmosphere wher the air has similar properties.. a front that usually has calm weather..
Air Pollution Earth Sciences the invisible gaseous substance surrounding the Earth . a colorless liquid hydrocarbon present in coal tar and petrolemeum used in chemicals. sickness, stomach flu, chronic heart ______. harm, not safe, risky. smoking, gasoline, steam, bog, acid rain, chemicals.
Air Pressure & Wind Meteorology 760 mm standard atmospheric pressure. occurs between 30 and 60 degrees latitude. line on a map that connects two places with same atmospheric pressure. blows from north to south. type of barometer most commonly used today.
Airport Signs Other Look for this sign when ... The plane is arriving.. Your bags need to be checked.. A mother needs to feed her baby.. You arrive from another country.. The plane is leaving..
Akkadians History Type of writing they used . Type of religion. Art was to show how impressive their ________ were. How many main empires were there?. Empire was bound together by __________.
Al Capone Does My Shirts Books Moose's baseball friend from school. Moose's 'special' sister. a sport with bats and bases. the baby. the convicts do the ____________.
Alaska World Geography Alaska has apox 5,000 ________ a year.. Alaska's state flower. There used to be a bridge that connected ____ to eastern Alaska. The last __________. Sea that lies northwest of Alaska .
Alaskan Animals Animals An animal that has quills.. Something that has horns and live on mountains.. Something that lives in river and that people can eat.. An animal that is like a bull but it is more hairy.. Something that is friendly to people..
Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians Books Last name of Alcatraz's grandfather; had talent of being late.. A place to read and check out books. Much of book is set in one of these.. Enemy of Oculators.. Holds lenses in place; worn on the face.. Certain type of people who can use lenses for their different abilities..
Alexander Grahm Bell History A deadly disease that infects your lungs.. A person who invents.. Determined to have one's own way.. A stroke or sound of such an instrument.. The act of invention..
Algebra Math One of the positive or negative numbers. A symbo or number placed above and afteranother symbol or number to denote the power to which the latter is being raised. A number that, when multiplied by itself, produces the given number. A series of points, discrete or continuous, as in forming a curve or surface, each of which represent a value of a given function. A data element that is significantly different from other elements in the data collection, or an element that appears to imply a pattern that is inconsistent with the bulk of the data evidence.
Algebra 2 Math When reading a graph from left to right, as the 𝑥 values increase, the 𝑦 values decrease.. The expression located under the radical in the quadratic formula.. Non-real solutions; a parabola that does not intercept the x-axis.. A function in which the independent variable appears as an exponent of a constant.. Occurs when the common ratio of the function is greater than zero and less than one, causing the output values to get smaller as the input values increase..
Alice in Wonderland Characters Books - Childrens Literature Head of a calf. Wonderland co-ruler. # __ playing-card gardener. Sleepy tea-time companion. Leads Alice to Wonderland.
All About Algebra Math find 10 words that are related to algebra. slant. vertical. vertical. horizontal. vertical.
All About Butterflies Animals a pupa of a butterfly or a moth. the food eaten at one time. the animal that can give birth to babies or lay eggs. a small bug theat has six legs and three body parts. the movement of animals according to seasons.
All About Chickens Animals an animal in its earliest stage of development. a sharp bump on the end of a chick's beak. the bright red skin on top of a chicken's head. the red skin under a chicken's beak. the mouthpart of a bird that is pointed.
All About Dirt Bikes Transportation a spot to place your feet. Cools the engine. Goes over the rime to grip the ground. allows bike to shift gears. Makes the bike move forward.
All About George Washington History Where did George live when he was growing up?. What monument was named after George?. Who did the American army fight against in the Revolutionary War?. How many real teeth did George have left when he became President?. Because of George's fear of being buried alive, how many days did they wait to bury him after he died?.
All About Phoenix Animals Fictional bird born from its ashes. . Part of a phoenix that grabs its prey. . It ate ..., birds and insects.. It is said that burns in fire and reborns from its... It lived for about 500-600 ....
All about Pigeons Animals Crossword Pigeons mate for ______?. Commonly found where?. Family. Pigeons are the descendent of ?. Kingdom.
All About Sports Sports A sport where you need a glove and a bat to play.. Basketball movie about a team from Indiana.. A sport where you play 5 on 5.. What you play with in most sports.. A sport where you wear pads and helmets..
All About the Flu Health Solve Each Answer Flu __ usally starts in Octobler and ends in May.. You should get vaccinated for the flu every __.. The flu __ is available as a shot or nasal-spray.. __ means easily spread.. Everyone __ months and older should get a flu vaccine..
All About Winston! History Test your Knowledge of Winston Churchill Churchill's sovereign's name in 1945. Churchill was Prime Minister of this country. Churchill's wife's first name . Churchill's speech: 'We shall fight on the beaches...We shall never...'. Churchill's party from 1940 to 1955 .
All Things October Holidays and Seasons artwork, projects, make, supplies. rides, junk food, games, entertainment. trees, fruit, crisp, bake. get together, food, games, friends. acorn, summer, spaghetti, butternut.
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