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Math Crosswords

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Title Instructions / Description Sample Puzzle Hints Difficulty
Math Vocabulary Words Algebraic equation or expressions that yield the same solutionor values. A factor of a number that, when squared, equals the original number . The set of numbers that includes whole numbers, positive fractions, and positive decimals . The number you divide by . Term in a sequence represented by, and found, using an algebraic expression that describes the relationship between the two varibles in the problem. Hard
Mathematical Use the hints at the bottom to solve the crossword puzzle. Graph of a quadratic function.. What is the value of 'n' in 2⋅5(10ⁿ)=5 ?. The _______ is the point where two rays or line segments meet to form an angle.. A break in the graph.. The average.. Hard
Mathematical Terminology Measuring of angles and sides in triangles . a plane curve formed by the intersection of a right circular cone with a plane parallel to a generator. Figure with six straight sides and angles.. an acronym to help remember an order of operations in algebra basics. Average. Hard
Mathematics A side of a right triangle that is considered as the longest side.. The union of two rays with a common endpoint, called the vertex.. A type of drawing used to represent data.. A location in a plane or in space, having no dimensions.. A statement that of two quantities one is specifically less than or greater than another.. Hard
Maths Find the missing maths vocabulary 1000 grams. the measurement of liquid. Explaining your methods. Changing unit of measurement. the number you divide by. Hard
Maths is fun This crossword puzzle is made up of many different mathematical terms. A polygon with 10,000 sides.. A side of a right triangle that is considered as the longest side. Two lines that will never meet are called _______ lines. The opposite of any given number,. Any number divided by zero is _______.. Hard
Matrix Vocabulary relation that pairs each x value w/ exactly one y value. rectangular array of numbers in rows & columns. graph w/ distinct points. set of ordered pairs. the y values. Older Children
Measurement a way to describe the world with numbers. SI unit for mass. used to collect, organize, and summarize data in a visual way. SI unit for temperature. how close measurements are to each other. Older Children
Measurement The ? of the mountain is 100 metres. This can be measured in kilos. The road is not ? enough for us to pass. The distance across an object. The ? of the pond is 2 metres. Older Children
Measurement measurement from bottom to top. 3 feet. 12 inches. measurement from one end to the other. the space inside a shape. Easy
Measuring and Graphing A scientific tool used to measure the volume taken up by a liquid. Units: liters. A scientific tool used to measure the mass of an object. Units: grams. Constructing to build or design and experiment. To look at data to find trends, correlations, or the validity of data.. The middle # in a set of data when the date is arranged in numerical order.. Big
Measuring and Graphing measuring volume. building. Inches, Centimeters, Feet, Yards. studying and recording something. middle number in a set of numbers. Big
Meta Analysis Statistics depict the average strength of the effects of an intervention across studies that use different types of outcome measures. Matt conducted his own systematic review on his teaching effectiveness and the results were extraordinarily positive. The research would be considered BLANK. Divide the difference between the experimental and control group means by the standard deviation . Depict the strength of relationship between two variables. It is beneficial to critically appraise all studies yourself relevant to your BLANK question. Hard
Metric System Method used for finding perimeter.. All sides are equal.. The length of a figure.. Time zone that California is located.. The largest unit of measurement for grams(metric system).. Older Children
Metric System Unit used in the SI system used to measure mass of human. Unit used in the metric system used to measure mass of paperclip. Metric tool used to measure volume. Unit used in the SI system used to measure distance of a town. Unit used in the SI system used to measure a pencil. Older Children
Modern Periodic Table complete the crossword puzzle on the basis of your understanding if two elements have same number of shells then they belong to same------. elements of same group have same number of---------. modern periodic law is based on atomic----------. the number of valence electrons in F is. atomic size------------from top to bottom. Older Children
money what you have pay for something. not big money. opposit of cheap. money paid for the use of money. a person who is poor and beg for money. Teenage
Multiples a multiple of 15 between 70 and 80. the next multiple of 8 after 60. a multiple of 12 between 30 and 40. the largest multiple of 8 before 45. the next multiple of 3 after 28. Hard
Number Classifications and Properties positive and negative whole numbers. property that looks like a mirror. decimals that either end or have a repeating pattern. the counting numbers PLUS ZERO. decimals that do not end AND do not have a repeating pattern. Older Children
numbers 1-10 . . . . . Simple
numbers 1-20 . . . . . Easy
PARABOLA a fix line used describing a curve or surface. the highest point. vertical line trough the vertix. a fix point of a interior of a parabola. Teenage
Parallel Lines angles that are in the same position on the two lines in relation to the transversal.. a line that intersects two or more other lines.. lines that intersect at right angles.. interior angles that lie on opposite sides of the transversal.. two lines in a plane that never intersect or cross.. Older Children
Parts of Circle words are in cross slanting and sleeping. is the centre point of a circle.. is the line which is not passing through the centre point.. arc is the curve a circle.. is a line passing through centre point .. is the outer border of a circle.. Older Children
Patterns and Expressions a number that multiplies the variable.. a calculated amount.. a pattern formed by two sets of numbers.. any single number or variable, or a combination (no = sign).. a number that does not change.. Teenage
Percents A percent change describing increase in a quantity. A ratio comparing a number to one hundred. A fixed percent of the principal. the initial amount of money borrowed or saved. A percent change describing a decrease in quantity. Older Children
Percents percent vocabulary The amount the customer pays for an item.. It is a small amount of money in return for a service.. The amount paid or earned for the use of money. The formula for simple interest is l=prt. An equation that describes the relationship between the part, whole,and percent.. regular price of an item reduced. Hard
Points, Lines, and Angles If three points are coplanar, than the line containing two of the points is in the same plane. Position in space, often represented by a dot. A point that bisects a line segment. Two lines that form a right angle at their point of intersection. Lines in the same plane that never intersect. Older Children
Polygons Complete the cross word below The name of a six sided shape. The name of a twenty sided shape. The mathematical name for a closed shape with straight sides. The name of a ten sided shape. The name of a seven sided shape. Older Children
Polygons and Polyhedra Angles of a quadrilateral having no common arm. Two sides of a quadrilateral having a common end point. A point where three or more edges of a solid meet. A solid figure having two identical curved bases. A straight line where two faces of a solid meet. Older Children
Polygons and Quadrilaterals A 6 sided polygon. A closed figure with line segments as its sides. A 10 sided polygon. A 7 sided polygon. A 5 sided polygon. Hard
Polynomial can be a number or a variable or even the product of numbers . when in a polynomial, the terms are re-put into order from the highest degree to the lowest degree . 5x + 6x are _______ terms . 5t - 2 = 3t + 4 is a __________. 3x + 4 has two terms, this is also referred to as a __________. Older Children
Polynomials parabola is symmetric about the axis. so it is also called the. the curve obtained by representing the graph of aby polynomial . if the pair of lines intersect at a point then we say that the pair is . foe any polynomial p (x) the value of x foe which p (x)=0 is called. an equation containing a single variable of degree 2. Hard
Pre-Algebra Factors and Multiples A number written as the product of its prime factors.. A factor of two or more different numbers.. A multiple of two or more different numbers.. A number that has three or more factors.. Numbers multiplied to give a product; the product divided by the factor gives a 0 remainder.. Older Children
Pre-Algebra Vocabulary Review #1 Complete the crossword puzzle below the sum of any two whole numbers is always a whole number is an example of this. indicates the number of times the base is used as a factor. the sum of any number and zero is equal to the number. the way you group three or more numbers when adding or multipliying does not change their sum or product. quantities that are multiplied. Teenage
PRE-CALCULUS A point that represents the minimum for a certain interval.. Functions whose graphs are symmetric with respect to the origin.. An anchor graph from which other graphs in the family are derived.. When there is a value in the domain for which f(x) is undefined, but the pieces of the graph match up, then f(x) has.... The line x=a is a ......... for a function.. Very Difficult
PRE-CALCULUS In one variable is the greatest exponent of its variable.. An integer less than or equal to the least real zero.. A solution that does not satisfy the original equation.. Used to help determine the zeros of a function.. The binomial x-r is a factor of the polynomial P(x) if and only if P(r)=0.. Very Difficult
PRE-CALCULUS The set of initial values for which the iterates of a function do not approach infinity.. Vertical asymptote of a rational function.. B in the complex number a+bi.. The graph of a polar equation of the form r=a + or - a sin theta or r= a + or - cos theta.. The compostion of a function and itself.. Hard
Precalculus Terms Find the missing term. -5 is an _. . The quadratic formula, when graphed forms a _.. The _ is also known as inclination. . The _ are represented as the values of y from an ordered pair.. Square roots are also known as _.. Older Children
Prefixes That Tell Size and Amount the state or quality of being equal. a compact and relatively inexpensive computer. representing several different cultures . making a splendid appearance or show. of several or many colors. Big
Probability rectangular method of finding possible outcomes. probability of how many wins were gotten. a circle, divided into sections of different colors. Equal chance of winning. possibilities in a probability problem. Teenage
Probability The likelihood that a particular outcome will occur. A selection that is chosen purely by chance, with no predictability.. A single result of an experiment. The probability that a certain outcome will occur based on all possible outcomes. (two words). Derived from the results of experiments, the total number of successes divided by the total number of trials. (two words) . Older Children
Probability Complete the crossword using the hints given below. if there m ways to do one thing and n ways to do another, then there are ‘m x n’ ways of doing both. the possibility that something can happen. given two events, the probability of one event is one minus the probability of the other event. without order and not able to be predicted. a number of simple events can make up one of these. Big
Probability and Statistics a bar graph representing continuous data; bars touch. a graphical representation of data on a number line. when the outcome of the first event does affect the outcome of the second event. the sum of the data divided by the number of data values. the difference between the largest and smallest values in a data set. Hard
Probability Definitions An experiment in which an actual situation is recreated as closely as possible. The results or consequences of an experiment. The likelihood of something happening. All outcomes being equally likely to be selected. There is no bias. A specific outcome as a result of an experiment. Older Children
Properties of Geometric Figures all three angle measures are less than 90 degrees. one angle measure is greater than 90 degrees. a closed plane figure made up of 3 or more line segments. no sides are of equal length and no angles are of equal measure. one angle measure is 90 degrees. Hard
Pythagorean Theorem First number in the order pair. Two coordinates create a point. Longest Side . Squaring number. Square root symbol. Hard
Quadratic a product of sums of products. a symmetrical open plane curve formed by the intersection or a cone with a plane parallel to its side standard form a way of writing down very small or very large numbers easily . a whole number greater than one whose only two whole number factors are one and itself. The highest point,the top or apex. the numbers written in front of the variable with the largest exponent. Hard
Quadratic is a curve where any point is at an equal distance from. a number that produces a specified quantity when multiplied by itself.. the highest point; the top or apex.. written down in the way most commonly accepted. no quantity or number; naught. Hard
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