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Math Crosswords

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Circles Measure of the minor arc that corresponds to a 60 degree inscribed angle. Vertex is located at the center of the circle. The sum of all the central angles of a circle. Angle formed by a tangent and the radius of a circle. Point that is equidistant to all points on a circle. Big
Classifying Angles Two non-adjacent angles, formed by intersecting lines. An angle that measures 90˚. An angle that measures between 90˚ and 180˚. Two angles whose measures sum to 180˚. Two angles with a side in common. Older Children
Classifying Angles an angle that is on the same side of the transversal and inside parallel lines. a triangle with 2 equal sides. a triangle with a 90 angle. angles that are greater than 90 degrees. angle that is on the opposite side of the transversal and inside the parallel lines. Big
Classifying Real Numbers The most specific number set for -3. The answer of adding two numbers. The most specific number set for repeating decimals.. Number that is a whole number but not a natural number.. The most specific number set for 0. Older Children
Concepts fout sections of data. average, sum of data divided by # of data entries. same as line of best fit. sampling in an organized fashion. groups of stuff. Hard
Congruency of Triangles proof with two columns used to show how triangles are congruent. the side opposite of the right angle. two triangles are congruent by the ___ __________ if they have two sides and an angle between the sides congruent to each other. the side in between two angles. two triangles are congruent by the ___ __________ if they have two angles and a side between the angle congruent to each other. Hard
Congruent Triangles a triangle with with three acute angles. in a right triangle, the side opposite of the right angle. a triangle with one obtuse angle. a triangle with three congruent angles. a triangle with no congruent sides. Hard
Connecting Math and Science essential for the ramp. shift to speed. this slows you down. will you attract?. healthy eating. Hard
Data Analysis and Probability probability experiment when each outcome has an equal chance of being picked.. an organized collection of data.. a questionaire that leads a person to answer a certain way.. when the question does not influence the answer.. the likelihood that something occurs based on the results of an experiment.. Adult
Decimal review three multiplied by zero point four equals . How many decimal places does 4.7862 have?. When you multiply a number by a 100 the decimal point moves .... spaces to the right. ordering decimals from smallest to largest, is writing them in ............ order. When multiplying decimals, the number of decimal places in the questions and the answers are the . Older Children
Dilations The new figure that results from the transformation of a figure in a plane.. P' is read as 'P __________'.. A square has ________ lines of symmetry.. A ________ ________ is a way to measure dilations, abbreviated with the letter 'k'.. If the image of a dilation is smaller than the original figure, then the dilation is a(n)____________.. Teenage
Drafting A thin line used to indicate the center of a round object in a secondary (not true- shape) view.. A thin line used to indicate the center of a symmetrical object. . A thin line used to indicate the center of a round object in a primary (true-shape) view.. Heavy, dashed lines used to show sectional views. Arrows are extended from the endpoints to illustrate the viewing direction.. A collection of the different lines used in drafting, with classifications for line weight (thickness) and linetype.. Hard
Economics concerns of society as a whole. economic transactions involving individuals and businesses. gives the author or artist exclusive rights to publish and sell their work. love of one's country. people decide when, what, and how they buy or sell. Hard
Equation Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. A mathematical sentence that contains an equals sign. Whole numbers and their opposites. A letter used to represent a number. Another word for variable. Older Children
Equations and Inequalities A mathematical sentence that contains the symbol. An algebraic or numerical sentence that shows that two quantities are equal. If you multiply both sides of an equation by the same number, the two sides will remain equal. Opposite operations, or operations that undo each other, such as addition and subtraction or multiplication and division. An expression that includes at least one variable. Hard
Euclid's Axioms and Postulates has neither length nor breadth. ends of a line. whole is greater than _____. edges of surface. has length and breadth only. Older Children
Euclidean Geometry set of points. A location in space that has no physical features. Due to this a point cannot be measured.. A ray, line segment, or line that intersects the interior of an angle to form two angles of equal measure that use the sides of the angle.. All angles measure between zero and one hundred eighty degrees. To find the measure of larger angles you need to add the measures of the linear pair inside of the larger angle.. The part of the angle that can normally be measured by a protractor. It is convex and between zero and one hundred eighty degrees.. Hard
Expressions and Equations A variable, a number or a number multiplied by a variable. Terms with the same variable and exponent. A math sentence showing two expressions ar equal or equivalent. Operations that undo each other . An expression that containsat least one variable. Older Children
Factors & Multiples two numbers. a diagram used to break up a number. used to determine whether a number is divisible by other numbers. separate and divide. highest number that divides into two or more numbers. Older Children
Factors & Multiples two numbers. a diagram used to break up a number. used to determine whether a number is divisible by other numbers. separate and divide. highest number that divides into two or more numbers. Older Children
Financial Accounting Reconciling Cash Book to bank statement. Obligation of the entity due to past transactions. Normally calculated at time and a half. IAS 38 allows ____to be capitalised. A collection of related accounts. Big
financial vocab. Money a business has to pay out to maintain opertion. The relationship between assets and two types of equities (liabilities & owner's equity). A subdivision under either Assets, Liabilities or Owner's Equity. You buy something and agree to pay later. Money to be received. Teenage
Formula Chart 6 feet equal 2 of these (calculate). A= 1/2 aP is used to find the area of this regular shape. all sides of a shape added together. its area is found by bh/2. to find its volume use 1/3 Bh. Older Children
Foundational Math Vocab Terms It refers to two valid rules of replacement the rule allows one to reformulate conjunctions and disjunction within logical proof. So the trick for distributive property is pretty simple, it's just multiplication over addition. A math rule that states that the order in which we multiply numbers does not change the property the word community root is commuted meaning move around.. A fraction that has a smaller numerator and than the denominator numerator- how many parts there is Denominator- how many equal parts it’s divided into. Something that is the same amount or bigger amount than shown. Read it from left to right using the which equals less than and the = meaning equal too.. A factor that is a prime number any of the prime numbers that can be multiplied to give the original number. It helps with fractions and LCM, and GCF by breaking down the composite numbers into the smallest parts. You can then match the different pa. Older Children
Foundations of Accounting A The difference between what is earned and what is spent in a business. Business owned by a single person. Resource of business tht will provide a future benefit. Amount owed by a business to outsiders. A cost incurred in generating income by a business. Hard
Fraction the numerator is larger than the denominator. two fractions that are equal in value. flip the fraction so the numerator becomes the denominator and vice versa. number on the bottom part of a fraction. smallest possible fraction. Older Children
Fraction Vocabulary Read definitions and write the correct term in the appropriate space A fraction whose numerator is always 1. Of two numbers are factors that are the same that are called these. This fraction has a numerator greater than or equal to its denominator. The least common multiple of the denominators. The numer and denominator have no common factor other than 1. Big
Fractions ___________ numbers are numbers that are only divisible by 1 and itself. ____________ common Factor. ___________ numbers that have more factors than just 1 and itself. two fractions that are equal are _______________ fractions. __________ multiplication is a trick to comparing fractions. Older Children
Fractions Fill-in each line with the correct vocabulary word a fraction with a numerator smaller than the denominator. a fraction with a numerator larger than the denominator. a fraction that is in lowest terms. two or more fractions with the same value but different names. commonly used, recognizable fractions. Big
Functions all possible y values. coordinate plane. a function. determines if a line on a graph is a function. describes the steepness of a line. Teenage
Geography Economy is focused on service industries with a well defined support. Economy is still based on manufacturing . Making or refining products from raw materials . Extraction of resources from the Earth. The number if infants who die out of every 1000 born. Hard
Geometric Solids ________ are the 2-dimensional surfaces that make up solids.. Three or more edges intersect at a point called a ________.. A ____________ is a solid that has two circle bases.. Two faces intersect in a segment called an ______.. A ___________ solid is a solid that is made by combining two or more solids.. Hard
Geometry a triangle with three equal sides and three equal angles. the flat surface of a three-dimensional shape. a solid shape with a circular base and a curved surface that tapers to a point. a polygon with four sides. a straight line joining two points of a circle. Hard
Geometry Triangle that has 3 congruent sides. Triangle that has one obtuse angle. Triangle that has no congruent sides. Triangle that has only acute angles. Triangle that hasat least 2 congruent sides. Older Children
Geometry flat surface that has no thickness and extends forever. triangle with at lease 2 congruent sides. a line segment that connects two non-adjacent vertices of a polygon. triangle with exactly one right angle. figures that have the sameshape and size. Big
Geometry the new figure after a transformation. distance around the outside of a circle. flat surface that extends forever in all directions. flat side of a three--dimensional figure. an exact location in space with no size. Hard
Geometry The distance d between any two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). when you find a pattern in specific cases and the write a conjecture for the general case. the opposite of the original statement. first wrtie the converse and then negate both the hypothesis and the conclusion. The midpoint M of the line segment with endpoints A(x1,y1) and B(x2,y2). Teenage
Geometry A line that intersects a circle in exactly one point.. All sides congruent.. The distance around a circle.. A repeating pattern of figures with no gaps or overlaps.. Type of arc that is bigger then half a circle.. Hard
Geometry Triangle with all sides congruent.. The distance around a circle.. A repeating pattern of figures with no gaps or overlaps.. A 7 sided figure.. Theorem that states: leg squared plus leg squared equals hypotenuse squared.. Very Difficult
Geometry is Opposite over Adjacent . Circles with the same center are ______________ circles. The difference between the highest and the lowest numbers in a set of numbers. is Opposite over Hypotenuse. or average, of a set of numbers is found by dividing the sum of the numbers by the amount of numbers added. Hard
Geometry has only 2 equal sides. a tool used to measure angles. a 7 sided figure. an angle larger than 90 degrees but smaller than 180 degrees. has 3 unequal sides. Hard
Geometry common endpoint of two rays. location. two angles created by intersecting lines who share only a common endpoint. angle measures exactly 90. two or more objects on the same plane. Hard
Geometry Logic and review a branch of geometry where we study deduction and induction. when you continue a pattern or make an observation. a series of related numbers or objects - a trend. a closed many sided figure that is made up of straight lines. a line that crosses two other lines. Teenage
Geometry all the the angles in a triangle are less then 90.. The triangle has an obtuse angle.. Defined by the two rays that form it. . Lines that do not intersect and are not in the same plane.. Lying on the same plane. . Very Difficult
Geometry measurement of an angle. dvides an angle into two congruent angles. a line that intersects two or more lines in a plane. 2l + 2w. a2 + b2 = c2. Big
Geometry Given two points in a plane and the line containing them. Two rays that have the same endpoint. An object . postulate that is between two points on a line. a location that is in space with no physical features and cannot be measured. Very Difficult
Geometry opposite side divided by hypotenuse. 2x1=2. has length, has widths but no thickness. has no dimension, no measure. no width, no length and thickness. a turn. Older Children
Geometry 2 sides equal. has 6 sides. a shape with 3 or more sides. has 10 sides. has 20 sides. Hard
Geometry A triangle that has an angle smaller than 90 degrees. the side opposite of the 90 degree angle in a right triangle. A triangle that has an angle that is bigger than 90 degrees and is smaller than 180 degrees. where 2 lines meet. the measure between 2 lines that meet at 1 point. Very Difficult
Geometry the side opposite the right angle in a right triangle . the union of 2 rays that have the same endpoint; measured in degrees or radians . non-coplanar lines that don't intersect . a zero-dimensional figure; while usually left undefined, has four main representions . nonstraight and nonzero angles that have a common side in the interior of the angle formed by the noncommon sides . Hard
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