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Religion Crossword Subjects

Religion Crosswords

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Title Instructions / Description Sample Puzzle Hints Difficulty
Dalai Lama Complete the crossword. Good luck 😀 He was banned from this country . When he started his monastic education. The thing used to shave his hair off. Where he lives. A way of keeping calm. Big
Delights in Obedience God's instruction to Saul concerning the Amalekites. You make these when you chose not to obey instructions. Samuel heard sheep make this sound. First king of Israel. Samuel could not find Saul because he had gone to this place. Hard
Did God Really Say Crossword what adam and eve tried to do when they heard God coming. Every good thing we have comes from..... Adam's wife. what Philippians 2:14 says is a secret to learn. what we should be about what we already have. Teenage
Does God Exist These are people who are unsure what to believe. They think there is something out there but they don’t know what.. Something or someone that is all powerful.. A person who worships a supernatural being.. Someone who makes or creates something.. A person who believes that God exists.. Big
Early Christan Religion The second Crusade was a _?_ Crusade . Council of _?_. Start with 'C'. The final battle of the first Crusade . _?_ VII. Peter the Hermit is robbed by the _?_. Very Difficult
Eletrical Electrical Terminology Metric measurement or testing device. To secure cable. Measure of power. To protect circuit. Loop or continuity. Older Children
Eucharist We recieve the _______ ____ _______ of Christ at Eucharist. . Every Eucharist is a remembrance of the death and ___________ of Jesus.. Who comes upon the Eucharist?. What does the word Eucharist mean?. _________ is a sacrament you can recieve over and over.. Older Children
Eucharist communication with god. what god done in the begining . God rose and went up to.... the opposite of darkness. Something given to you. Big
Facts on Buddhism Read the hint solve the puzzle! Another worshiped leader is a member of a religious community of woman . There are 2 holidays for Buddhists one of them is the celebration of Buddha's Birth. or the brahmins predicted would be a great... . 6 of 8 is... Promote good actions and prevent evil actions. 7 of 8 is... Be aware of but not attached to you emotions,thoughts, and feelings.. Hard
Family Worship Bible words, names, or meanings Change one’s mind regarding the past on account of regret or dissatisfaction . One who pretends to be what they are not. A visible sign of Jehovah’s covenant promise that the destruction of the earth by water would not occur . A view of Christ in glory. Complying with what is required . Hard
Feasts Highlight your answers Commemorates the Israelites' deliverance from slavery in Egypt.. made in a hurry without yeast.. The day of rest and weekly observance of God's completion of creation.. Shavuot. is also known as the Pentecost and commemorates the giving of the law.. Hard
Features of a Chapel a cross with Jesus on. a table where the bread and wine are blessed during the Eucharist. an........ to be played during hymn singing. usually a small basin containing holy water, which Catholics dip their hand in to make the sign of the cross . Around the church there are 14 framed pictures, known as the .......... Big
Forensic In responses to high-profile financial scandals. Requires self-assessments of internal controls. Rounding acct balances and keeping the change. w/AICPA establishes audit standards. Stresses 3 fundamental conditions generall present with fraudulent activity. Hard
Fun Facts About Saints Mickey Magone became overwhelmed with _________ and went to confession. The disease that Mary Mazzarello contracted is ______. Laura Vicana died at age _____. Mickey Magone is a ______ saint. At age 12 entered school run by Don Bosco. Hard
Fundamentals of Buddhism Symbolized the feet or footprints of Buddha. Truths about life according to Buddha. When actions lead to consequences. Craving for pleasures. Craving to not experience the world or pain. Hard
Fundamentals of Islam The second pillar (major belief) of Islam. Prayer five times a day facing towards Mecca (east).. The fourth pillar (major belief) of Islam. Muslims are required to fast (not eat or drink during daylight hours) during the holy month of Ramadan.. The fifth pillar (major belief) of Islam. Every Muslim who is able to must make a pilgrimage (trip) to Mecca at least once in their life. The word for someone who practices Islam.. God. Hard
Gender in Islam The problem with many western criticisms of female power in Islam is that it leads to ______ statements that may or may not be appropriate based on the cultural and socio-political context.. “It includes a critical awareness of the structural marginalization of women in society and engaging in activities directed at transforming gender power relations.” . In 1979, Muslim women in Iran wore the hijab as a demonstration of resistance against western cultural encroachment made possible by whom?. Muslim women wear the ____ for a multitude of reasons, such as a demonstration of resistance, empowerment, or religion.. The hijab has been worn to show resistance to perceived western ________.. Big
General Conference General Conference Current Prophet. Belief in things not seen. Quad book. Men's organization. Second Counselor. Big
Genesis 4:1-16 Cain and Abel The LORD said, 'What have you done? Listen! Your brother's _____ cries out to me from the ground.. But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your _____; it desires to have you, but you must master it.' . Now you are under a curse and driven from the ______, which opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand.. And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and ______ him.. I will be a ________ wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.' . Older Children
Gifts of the Holy Spirit To see and evaluate all things. To see god at work in our lives. To give worship or faithfulness to God. Overcome difficulties, endure suffering with strength. . To avoid sin out of reverence and love to God. To comprehend how to live as a follower of Christ. Older Children
God as Savior Settles disputes. God's chosen people. City of David. A public official who decides on cases.. Minor prophet of God. Big
God the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost I am the one who convicts your heart.. For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the **, and the Holy Ghost.. There are many names for Jesus in the bible, but we often refer to Him as the Son of God and the Son of **.. Let us make man in our own **.. I am ** I am.. Easy
Gods These are god of rome was the God of the Sun, poetry, music and oracles. was the God of Doors and beginnings and endings. was the God of Harvest and Agriculture. was the God of the Underworld. was the Goddess of Agriculture. Teenage
Greek Orthodox Church Work with a friend to solve this puzzle! The Father Son and Holy Spirit as one. The Bishop’s Throne. The Book of the Lord. Part of Church the Bishop Throne is located. Cup containing the Holy Eucharist. Older Children
Heaven is For Real A place known for life after death and, often depicted as being above the sky.. A Kings chair. Jesus was wearing this. the Christian scriptures, consisting of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments. A medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disease and injury by using medical imaging technologies, such as MRI and CT. Big
Hinduism ________ largest religion. Trip to a holy site. The true eternal self. Merchants. Moral law of cause and effect. Hard
Hinduism Refers to the illusionary appearance of the world. Hindu name for the 'real self' that is also identical with Brahman. In Hinduism, the connection between one's actions and the consequences of those actions. Hindu worship of a deity, primarily at a home shrine. The principal avatar of Vishnu, often depicted as a handsome young man. Hard
Hinduism This god has 10 avatars. Hero of the story The Ramanyana. The principal symbol is Hinduism. Hindu god of success that is has an elephant head. Rama's wife in the story The Ramanyana. Hard
Hinduism Refers to the illusionary appearance of the world.. The Hindu name for the 'real self' that is also identical with Brahman.. The connection between one's actions and the consequences of those actions.. A holy city for Hindus located on the Ganges River.. The liturgical and scriptural language of Hinduism.. Hard
Hinduism One of the four aims of human life. Literally “meaning, sense, goal, purpose or essence”. A person’s soul. From Sanskrit meaning essence, or breath. The sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences. Something that is owed or due. The endless series of births, deaths, and rebirths to which all beings are subject.. Very Difficult
Hinduism An incarnation of a Hindu god. The individual expression of Brahman.. Told in the Bhagavad Gita, he was chose between caste and family bonds. Priestly Caste. an avatar of Vishnu. Hard
Hinduism Hindu place of worship or temple. good and bad actions affects the next lifetime. Hindu worship. a follower of Hinduism. Hindu holiday for the new year, Festival of Lights, remembers Ramayana. Big
Hinduism The act of showing reverence to a god. The worlds oldest religeon. The festival of light. A country that shares land borders with Pakistan, China, Nepal and many others. The third largest river by discharge. Hard
Hinduism the preserver. actions done in one body reap consequences in the next body . Holy Book; religious scriptures. the female counter part . the oldest language of hindu and it is a book of hymns . Hard
Hinduism & Buddhism The Preserver. Siddhartha stopped _______ (cleaning). The Hero God. Siddhartha asked many people known for their ______. Siddhartha started _______ (not eating). Hard
History of Christianity One who chooses to suffer death rather than give up their faith. A religious movement of the 16th century to reform the Catholic Church. Island of the Northumbrian coast where Aidan established his monastery. A member of a community of women who have taken religious vows. People who served God and others in a special way in the North of England. Older Children
Holy Communion _______ is needed for Baptism. Eucharist means_______ in Greek. what sacrament is celebrated only once at an infant. Christ told us to keep his memory _______. receiving Eucharist brings you_____ to God. Older Children
Human Geo Religion Belief in one supreme god. Voluntary travel to see a sacred site or pay respects. deliberate mass murders of groups of people. Belief in multiple gods. muslim Pilgrimmage to Mecca. Hard
I Believe This month of prayer is seen as a link to one of the 5 pillars. This happens during the ninth month of the Muslim calendar. During this time Muslims pray, fast and practice self-denial, all of which is very similar to how Christians celebrate Lent.. A Religion whose followers believe that their saviour has not yet risen. The main difference between this religion and Christianity is that its’ followers believe that Jesus was not God but merely human, a teacher or a prophet.. During the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, Muslimas have to restrain from eating and drinking during daylight hours but have a small meal and sips of water at night time. . The Hindu, Buddhist and Shinto religions are examples of this type of religion. They differ from Monotheistic religions like Christianity and Islam, in that they believe in the worship of multiple gods.. The belief that there in only one existing God? The word comes from the word “monos” in the Greek language, meaning one. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all religions that hold these beliefs.. Hard
International Nativity on December 27th they have Carnavale. Christmas goes from the beginning of September to the Baptism of Jesus. the main meal usually consists of lechon asado and arroz con gandules. they have had a Santa Claus parade since 1913, eat a meal with pigs' feet. early Christmas morning girls go collect 'strong water'. Hard
Islam Complete the crossword puzzle by using the clues below. A low square building surrounded by statues of gods and goddesses . followers of the religion of Islam. a city in western Saudi Arabia and the holiest city of Islam. First cousin, son-in-law. a close companion, father-in-law. Hard
Islam Month of fasting.. Ka'aba -- Black stone after to One God; located in Mecca.. Fasting.. Percentage of income donated to needy.. The name for chapters in the Holy Qur'an.. Hard
Islam Dynasty from 750 AD. Ruled from Baghdad. Descendents of the Holy Prophet's uncle.. Caliphate Dynasty who ruled from Damascus. First Caliph (after Ali) was Mu'aloinya.. The barbaric time in Arabia before Islam.. Individual prayer in one's own language as compared with the ritual five daily prayers in Arabic. . Sayings of the Holy Prophet.. Very Difficult
Islam fasting during holy month of Ramadan. belief in only one God. paying of alms for the needy; one of the 5 pillars. pilgrimage to Mecca; one of the 5 pillars. one who submits to the will of God. Hard
Islam Islam is the ??? largest religion in the world. Belief that there is only one God. Islam translates as.... Followers of the religion Islam. Messenger of God. Hard
Islam Please complete the puzzle below Moslems month of fasting is ________.. Holy struggle. Angels have been created from divine _______.. Gabriel is the name of an _______.. The Moslems of Madinah were known as ________.. Big
Islam The ninth month of the year when strict observing is done from sunset to sunrise. a city in which Islams consider to be a holy city. the islamic sacred book. a muslim place of worship. is a well located in the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca. Hard
Islam One of the holy books is the hadith what is the other. The number of pillars . The founder of Islam. The god of Islam. One group in Islam is the Sunni what is the other. Adult
Islam and Muhammad muslisms' god. muhammad's boss. the tribe that rasied muhammad. the word mean cube in arabic. a believer in islam. Teenage
Islam and Muhammad What was in Mecca?. What is the Qur'an. Do the Muslims believe that Jesus was the son of God?. What was Muhammad before?. Why was the Kaaba built?. Big
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