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              1   2                                
                      3         4                  
      10         11                                  
  12                         13                      
16                         17                        
Across Down
1 People in France farm these milk giving animals
3 People who migrate
6 A cone shaped home that can be easily moved
7 People in France dine with these
8 Natives in the far north ride on these
9 Natives in the great plains rely on these for almost everything
12 A span over hundreds of years where people traded fur pelts
14 Natives in the western plateau and west coast fish for these
16 A very common, yellow vegetable people in the northeastern woodlands grow.
17 A boat made of cedar wood
18 Natives believed in these
2 People in the northeastern woodlands lived in these
3 The first inhabitants of canada
4 The sailors of France crossed the atlantic in these
5 A cold, dry, tree less land
8 Cheif of the soni people
10 A place with gems, gold and silver
11 A small, round fruit
13 A boat natives paddle on
15 A disease caused by lack of vitamin C
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