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1969 Kansas City Royals Crossword Puzzle

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1969 Kansas City Royals

                      5                 6                
                          8     9                        
                    12                     13              
      14       15                       16                  
18                       19                                
                    23     24           25                  
      26     27   28                                        
Across Down
3 Three strikes, yer _______
5 '69 Royals opening day first baseman Chuck
6 'What about _____' Martinez?
9 Keough
11 Played 109 games at second base for '69 Royals (two words)
13 '69 Royals Butler and Harris for example
15 1969 Kansas City _________ Stadium
18 '69 Royals Galen
19 1969 American League Complete Game Leader with 24
20 '69 Royals Saves Leader Drabowsky
21 1969 was the KC Royals ________ season
22 _______ Spriggs
23 ______ Fitzmorris
24 '69 American League HR King with 49
26 A three base hit
29 '69 Royals Fred ____ played 12 games between thrid base CF and RF
30 '69 Royals Cram
31 '69 RBI leader (2 words) with 71
32 '69 Royals relief pitcher Wickersham
1 1969 American League Wins Leader with 24
2 '69 Royals finished ______ in the American League West
4 '69 Royals opening day manager (two words
6 '69 Royals Wins Leader with 12
7 Hedlund and Fiore for example
8 '69 Royals HR Leader with 14
10 Sam Crawford is the MLB lifetime leader in this hitting department
12 '69 Royals doubles leader with 21
14 '69 Royals ______ Hernandez played 144 games at shortstop
15 1969 American League Strikeout King with 279
16 '69 Royals relief pitcher Burgmeier
17 Beat out an infield ______
25 ;69 Royals Jim _____ was 4 and 16
26 '69 Royals opening day opponent
27 Schaal
28 '69 Royals opening day catcher (two words)
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