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Road TO The Civil War Crossword Puzzle

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Road to the Civil War

                        1         2                    
                                            4   5      
          13                                       14    
        18                           19   20              
Across Down
1 Abolitionist that led a revolt on Harper's Ferry.
8 Called for immediate emancipation for all slaves.
9 Allowed settlers to vote on whether to allow slavery.
10 Allowed Maine to enter as a free state and Missouri a slave state.
12 Resettling of African Americans.
13 Allow the people to decide.
16 Wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin.
17 Escaped slave and editor of The North Star.
18 Formed in 1861 by states that seceded from the Union.
21 Not supported by northern settlers and courts.
2 Antislavery party.
3 Held a convention and voted to secede.
4 Abolitionists who freed slaves.
5 Violence between pro and antislavery settlers in Kansas.
6 Republican nominee in 1860.
7 Lincoln stated that secession would not be allowed.
11 Antislavery novel banned in the South.
14 Ruled that Congress could not ban slavery in any territory.
15 Plan presented by Henry Clay.
19 Abolitionist newspaper created by William Lloyd Garrison.
20 Southern states leaving the Union and forming a confederation.
21 First shots fired of the Civil War.
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