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Age Of Exploration;

          I                             C    
          T                             O    
    B A L A N C E O F T R A D E     M   L    
      D                             U   O    
      M O L U C C A S S P I C E I S L A N D S
      I                             A   Y   U
  P O R T U G A L             B     T       B
      A                       R     T       S
P H I L I P P I N E S         A     O       I
      A                       Z     E       D
      F                       I     S       I
    G O D G L O R Y A N D G O L D           E
      N                             K       S
      S                             H        
    C O N Q U I S T A D O R S       M        
      D                       J     E        
    H E N R Y T H E N A V I G A T O R        
      A                       V              
    P L A N T A T I O N S     A              
      B                         S            
    J U A N A I N S D E L A C R U Z          
      Q                         M            
      U                         A            
    P E N I N S U L A R E S     T            
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3 The difference of the values of exports and inports for a country; a favorable balance is when there is more value in the exports than the imports.
6 A series of islands Southeast Asia, by Melaka; the Portuguese signed treaties with local rulers of the islands to gain purchases of spices in 1511.
8 A European country that began the Age of Exploration.
10 A series of islands in Southeast Asia; where Magellan was killed while circumnavigating the globe, by natives.
11 'God, Glory, and Gold' Represents the three reasons for Europeans to start exploring and traveling to new lands- to convert the natives to their religion; to get their name publicized and become famous; to gain riches and wealth.
13 Spanish conquerers who traveled to America and defeated natives using firearms, swords, determination, skill, diseases, and horses.
15 A prince of Portugal who sent out fleets in 1520 to search Africa's west coast, where they found gold, and named it the Gold Coast.
16 Large agricultural estates established on Brazil's coast and the islands of the Caribbeans in the 1500s, to grow sugarcane, by way of slave labor.
18 A nun of Latin America who wrote poetry and prose and encouraged women should become educated.
19 The top social class of Latin America, who were Spanish or Portuguese officials from Europe; they recieved all top government occupations.
1 A system used by Spanish authorities in Peru that allowed them to draft laborers to silver mines.
2 A settlement of people who live in a new territory, away from their home country, but linked to them by government or trade; they played a large role in mercantilism.
4 A sailor from Portugal who went to Goa, in west India, and Melaka, where the Portugese could easily sail to the Spice Islands.
5 The result of an inter- racial marriage between a European and an African in Latin America.
7 Payments, that governments gave out to new industries in the New World to encourage exports
9 A region of South America that Portugal ruled over in the 1500s.
12 The sucessor of the Angkor kingdom, in Southeast Asia; taken by the Vietnamese by the 1800s.
14 A fort was established by the Dutch on this island in Southeast Asia, at Batavia, in 1619 to defend their spices.
17 An area of the island of Indonesia; in the 1600s, the Dutch drove the English out of the spice market, leaving the English with only one port, here.
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