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Age OF Railroads Crossword Puzzle Answer

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Age of Railroads

    T W E N T Y T H R E E M I L L I O N      
M U N N V I L L I N O I S                    
    C R E D I T M O B I L I E R              
P A N I C O F                                
    I N T E R S T A T E C O M M E R C E A C T
  G E O R G E M P U L L M A N                
    T W E N T Y T H O U S A N D              
  G R A N G E R L A W S                      
T W O T H O U S A N D                        
Across Down
1 How much did the Union Pacific take up in stocks?
2 What supreme court case upheld the Granger laws by a vote of seven to two?
3 What was the name of the construction company that the United Pacific Railroad formed?
4 What was the worst depression up till that point?
5 What gave the federal government the right to supervise railroad activities?
6 Who built the manufacturing sleepers and other railroad cars?
7 How many injuries were there total?
8 In response the the abuse of the railroads, the Grangers made these laws.
9 How many workers were killed?
1 A golden spike marked the spanning of the nation by the first ...
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