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All About Imperialism

        D I R E C T R U L E                  
                O                         P  
    W I L L I A M M C K I N L E Y         H  
                M                         I  
                O                         L  
            I N D I R E C T R U L E       I  
                O                         P  
              P R O T E C T O R A T E     P  
                E                         I  
          K I N G C H U L A L O N G K O R N  
                E                         E  
                O                         S  
        I M P E R I A L I S M                
                E M I L I O A G U I N A L D O
S I N G A P O R E   K               B        
                W H I T E M A N S B U R D E N
                E   N               R        
                Y   G               M        
                    M               A        
                  C O N V U O U G            
                    T H A I L A N D          
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1 A system of government in which a province is controlled by a central government.
4 His moral obligation to 'civilize' other parts of the world.
5 A system of government of one nation by another in which the governed people retain certain administrative, legal, and other powers.
6 The relationship between a state of this kind and the one that controls it.
7 King Mongkut's son.
8 A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
9 Leader of a movement for independence in the Philippines.
10 'City of the Lion'
13 The alleged duty of the white race to care for subject peoples of other races in its colonial possessions.
14 'Save the King', organization.
15 Only remaining free state in Southeast Asia
2 Under this man's control of the United States Navel Forces defeated the Spanish Fleat in Monila Bay.
3 William McKinley decided to turn this country into an American Colony.
11 Known as the king in 'The King and I'
12 Britain wanted control of this kingdom in order to protect its possessions in India.
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