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Ancient Rome IN Spain Crossword Puzzle

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Ancient Rome in Spain

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1 The symbol of this city are it's well preserved aqueducts.
4 The ancient city founded by Augustus in 25BC.
5 A temple dedicated to the Imperial cult. It was built in the late 1st century BC or early in the Augustan era.
6 Held 15,000 spectators to watch gladiatorial contests and staged beast-hunts, or sporting events.
7 The name of one bridge in Toledo that is still in use today.
8 Roman water system used to carry water from lakes to the city.
10 The language that ancient romans spoke in Spain.
2 Merida's ancient Roman city name.
3 The name of a paste that was not used to hold the stones of the Merida aqueducts together.
9 City captured in 192BC with two roman bridges that are still in use today.
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