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Andrew Jackson

                4                     5                                
                                  6                   7                
            8                                             9            
      17                 18                                 19            
                  25                                   26                
                      27                               28                
                    30                           31                      
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2 a moderarte slump in the economy
4 a violent confrontation in Chicago in 1886 between workers and police
5 financial support from the government
8 An 1862 law granting land to each state to be used for establishing college offering course of study in agriculture and mechanical arts
11 th portion of a corporations profits that is paid to each share holder
12 a person who favors abolishing all forms of government
14 direct talks between organized workers and their employer
15 an 1887 law establishing a commission to oversee rate-setting by the rail-roads
16 an electonic generator
18 an 1863 laww that created a system of ferderdily licensed banks
20 a company's acknowledgment of an existing union
21 the fact that stock holders in a corporation are only liable for the total amount of their investment in the corporation
22 the regular pattern of a nations economy, in which times of properity alternatate with down turns
24 gaining contol of all the steps involved in turning a raw material into a finished product
25 an 1890 law that made it illegal to businesses to set up monopolies
26 a gimmick designed to increase sales
27 the common distance between the rails of a railroad track
28 a list of people or organization to be boycotted for acts of disloyality
30 a therory stating that the moreunits of a product a company makes, the less it costs to make each unit
32 a pledge of property to a lender as security for a loan
33 a business owned and operated by its workers
34 falling pieces
35 a group of serval hundred people, led by Jacob Coxey, who marched Ohio to Washinton D.C., to protest on employment during the depression of 1893
36 the rate of output of production
37 a policy in which the value of a nations currency is based on the value of gold
38 a place of employment in which only union members are hired
1 a bloody union strike at the Carnegie steele company in 1892
3 an 1894 strike by rail road employees against the Pullman Company
6 a plan where bya consumer buys a product by paying a small sum of money several months
7 a business chartered by a state and owned by share holding investors
9 a period of drastic decline in business activity accompanied by high unemployment
10 a legal battle over ownership of the pattern for a given product
13 expanding in one area of production, such as steelmaking or shipping
17 and agreement among several firms to control their output and divide up the market
19 a group of companies whose stock is contolled by a centeral board of directors
23 and 1861 designed to increase federal revenues during the civil war
29 a process for removing impurities from ironn that made it possible to manufacture steel in large quanties
31 the theory that government should not interfere in economic affairs
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