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Antebellum Culture

              S E C O N D G R E A T A W A K E N I N G
            I N T E R C H A N G E A B L E P A R T S  
            L A B O R U N I O N                      
        P U B L I C E D U C A T I O N                
              S T E A M E N G I N E                  
            C O T T O N G I N                        
            T E M P E R A N C E M O V E M E N T      
              C                                   U  
E M I G R A N T           P                       T  
              I N D U S T R I A L R E V O L U T I O N
              O       U   E                   E   P  
I M M I G R A N T     F   J                   L   I  
                      F   U                   E   A  
                      R   D                   G      
                      A   I                   R      
                      G   C                   A      
                      E   E                   P      
Across Down
1 A renewal of religious faith in the early 1800s often spread by traveling preachers
2 Parts that are exactly alike that can be used to make products faster
3 A group of workers who join together to demand better working conditions
4 Government-funded schools that are open to all students fee of charge
5 A machine that used steam power from burning of coal to power an engine
6 short for 'cotton engine' it was a machine that made cotton cleaning quicker and easier
7 A campaign to stop the drinking of alcohol, which often lead to abuse and poverty
9 A person who leaves one country to move to another
11 A major change in which machines replaced manual labor and the economy shifted from farms to ranches
14 A person who comes to one country after leaving another [Arriving]
1 A meeting that Elizabeth Cady Stanton organized to improve life for women
8 A perfect soicety
10 A negative opinion not based on facts
12 The right to vote
13 A machine that used that sent electrical impulses across a wire that allowed people to communicate
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