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Barack Obama, the early years

Use the Barack Obama timeline to find the right words

                    E                 K    
                    A                 E   K
                    G                 N   E
                    A                 N   N
                P U N A H O U A C A D E M Y
                O                     D   A
                L O S A N G E L E S   Y    
      H A W A I I                          
                C I V I L R I G H T S A C T
I N D O N E S I A                       O  
                L                       L  
                S E G R E G A T I O N   U  
                C                       M  
                I                       B  
          M A D E L Y N D U N H A M     I  
                N                       A  
            V I E T N A M W A R            
                    I         A            
                    X         C            
                    O         I            
                    N         S            
Across Down
4 Barack Obama's high school
5 the city where Barack Obama first went to college
6 the state where Barack Obama was born
7 prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin.
9 the country Barack Obama, his mother, and his step-father moved to in 1967
10 the practice of separating people because of race
11 Barack Obama's grandmother
12 the war the students at Kent State were protesting in 1970
1 the last name of the president elected in 1980
2 the president when Barack Obama was born
3 the country where Barack Obama's father was born
4 Barack Obama's college major
8 the university Barack Obama went to in New York
13 the president when there were protests at Kent State University
14 discrimination based on race
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