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Barack Obama Crossword Puzzle

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Barack Obama

        5       6                          
      7                       8            
  11   12       13                            
    14               15     16       17        
              18                       19    
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6 When Barack was 6, his family moved to this country in Asia.
7 Barack won this special award for working hard in school.
8 One of Barack’s daughters.
9 Obama liked to go spearfishing with this family member.
10 Barack believed that all people are the same or this word.
11 Barack got more of these than any other president ever!
13 Barack finally felt like he fit in when he played this sport.
14 The number of years in a single presidential term.
18 Obama was this number president.
20 Obama’s birthplace.
21 Obama’s father was from this country in Africa.
1 Obama’s mother was from this state in America.
2 Barack wanted to help people, so he ran for this position in the U.S. Senate.
3 The number of terms Obama served as president.
4 Obama’s first name.
5 The name of Barack’s wife.
6 The ceremony when a president takes office.
12 Barack’s nickname for his grandmother.
15 Obama’s mother had him wake up early every morning to do this.
16 One of the values that Obama’s mother taught him.
17 After college, Barack moved to this city in Illinois.
19 Barack fought to change this type of law.
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