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Baseball Crossword Puzzle

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            3           4        
  5           6                  
          12         13            
Across Down
5 Ground is all grass
8 the baseball team that is based in Washington DC
9 the base that you touch to score
10 what is used to hit the ball by a batter
11 the position in between second base and third base
14 the thing that is hit by the batter
15 the player who throws the ball to the batters box
16 The team that has a stadium in the Bronx, NY
1 Where the bases are
2 where a MLB game is played
3 players use it to catch the ball
4 a hit that is an instant run
6 a ball that is hit straight and hard without touching the ground
7 a ball that is hit high and take a long time to come back down
9 what players wear on their head
12 the player who is behind the batter
13 what players wear on their feet
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