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Civil Rights And Reform IN The 1960s Crossword Puzzle Answer

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Civil Rights and Reform in the 1960s

                        M               N          
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                        I               U          
                  B L A C K P A N T H E R S        
                  R     A               T          
S E G R E G A T I O N   R                          
                  W     E                          
                  V O T I N G R I G H T A C T O F  
                  A F F I R M A T I V E A C T I O N
                  R                               A
      T H A M E N D M E N T                       A
                  O                               C
                  F                               P
                H E R N A N D E Z V T E X A S      
                  C I V I L R I G H T S A C T O F  
          G R E A T S O C I E T Y                  
                  N A T I O N O F I S L A M        
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3 Revolutionary black nationalist and socialist organization. That practiced
4 Separation of people by race or ethnic background.
5 Prohibits racial discrimination for voting.
6 Policy favoring members of a group who have been discriminated.
8 Got rid of poll taxes.
9 Ruled that Mexican Americans has the same protection found under the 14th amendment.
10 Outlawed segregation in public places.
11 Domestic program create to eliminate poverty and racial injustice.
12 African American political and religious movement.
1 Supreme Court of the US during the time where Warren was the Chief Justice.
2 National social insurance institute by the US government in 1966.is
3 Court case that ruled segregation of schools unconstitutional.
7 National Association of the Advancement of Colored People.
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