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Civil War

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8 A ship that was covered in iron plating
9 The President of the Confederacy during the civil war
12 The fort that the 54th Massachusetts Regiment attacked, this gained alot of respect for African Americans in the civil war
13 The bloodiest battle of the civil war that lasted 3 days, and this would be the last time the Confederacy would attack on Union soil
14 The general that defeated General Lee, and made him surrender at Appomattox Court House
15 The general who led the famous charge at the Battle of Gettysburg
16 The President of the Union during the civil war
18 Received the name ''Stonewall'' at the Battle of Bull Run
1 The leading general of the Confederate army
2 Considered hero by north, and terrorist by south, he led an attack at Harpers Ferry to arm African Americans with guns
3 Term used during the Civil War to describe a Northerner who opposed the war policy and favored a negotiated settlement with the South
4 The opposition to the Union in the Civil War
5 A State that allowed slavery, but remained in the Union
6 The Confederate Iron Clad
7 The first battle of the Civil War
9 The southern actor that assassinated Abraham Lincoln at Fords Theatre
10 The blocking of a port, so ships cannot get in or out
11 The opposition to the Confederacy in the Civil War
17 The Union Iron Clad
19 New type of ammo used by both the north and south, that had grooves in it, to make the bullet spin when shot
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