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Civil War

    5         6   7               8              
              10       11                          
13       14                         15           16  
          21         22     23                      
  28   29                                          
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3 Southern fort that controlled about 150 miles of the Mississippi River.
6 Type of war that the South fought in the early beginnings of the war.
9 Last name of the person who came up with the idea of popular sovereignty.
11 Effective Union General that Lincoln defended saying, 'He Fights!'
13 Political Party formed as a result of the Wilmot Proviso.
15 Cash payments given to new recruits in the North were known as this.
17 Political party's statement of beliefs.
18 Another word for the mandatory service of men into the military.
19 Courthouse name for the place where Lee surrendered his forces.
21 Nickname given to Northern Democrats who favored peace with the South.
24 Southern General given the nickname 'Stonewall'.
25 Southern General known for his ill-fated charge at Gettysburg.
26 States that held slaves but stayed loyal to the Union.
28 President in office when secession of South Carolina took place.
30 Civil War nurse who founded the American Red Cross.
31 Author of the plan that would blockade the south from foreign aid.
1 New recruits practiced this way.
2 Other name used for the CSS Virginia; fought the Monitor.
4 Area of the country where the first bloodshed over slavery took place.
5 Fort considered the first battle site of the Civil War.
7 Act that required slaves to be returned by northerners.
8 Abolitionist who led an attack on Harper's Ferry.
10 Southern spy arrested 6 times.
12 Author's name of Uncle Tom's Cabin
14 Beaten in Congress for his anti-slavery speech.
16 New York prison camp where Southern soldiers suffered greatly.
20 General that Lincoln said had a case of the 'slows'.
22 Main weapon used in battle; known for accuracy and distance.
23 Plan name for a strategy to 'squeeze' the life out of the South.
27 Last name of the 'reluctant' Confederate president.
29 Southerners used this to 'bribe' Europeans to support them in the war.
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