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Civil War Battles

          B A T T L E O F C H I C K A M A U G A
      B A T T L E O F G E T T Y S B U R G      
  B A T T L E O F V I C K S B U R G            
  F A L L O F F O R T S U M T E R              
      B A T T L E O F N E W O R L E A N S      
B A T T L E O F A T L A N T A                  
  B A T T L E O F A N T I E T A M              
B A T T L E O F S H I L O H                    
          S I E G E O F P E T E R S B U R G    
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1 Battle fought on September 18-20 of 1863, also know as the second bloodiest battle of the Civil War.
2 Battle that lasted three days, and is also known as the largest and bloodiest battle of the war.
3 Last major military action of the Vicksburg Campaign of the Civil War.
4 Battle that took place on April 12th of 1861.
5 Battle fought form January 8th to January 18th of 1815.
6 Battle where the fighting was centered east of Bald Hill.
7 Battle that took place near Antietam Creek.
8 Battle fought on April 6th to 7th of 1862.
9 Battle that lasted 9 months, 2 weeks, and 2 days.
1 Successful campaign where Grant refused to retreat and continued moving southwards, battle was also fought in the wilderness.
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